Million Dollar Game Day 1 Disaster: Tom Dwan Loses a Million

Million Dollar Game Day 1 Disaster: Tom Dwan Loses a Million

Tom Dwan’s Million Dollar Game Day 1: The Key Hand That Left Him Stuck a Million

Well, as we know poker is a high-variance game, but I do not think anyone would have predicted Tom Dwan, the Previous biggest winner in Hustler Casino Live history, would have ended day 1 stuck a million. Let alone us, we predicted Dwan would be one of the biggest winners before day 1 began. The hand took part on the 28th of May 2024 with the action being live-streamed on Hustler Casino Lives YouTube channel.

Did Tom Dwan run badly, make a few missteps, or overplay his hands? Let’s dive in and examine the key hand that led to his million-dollar downfall on Day 1.

If you are going to play Nine-Four it is hard not to commit to the hand after flopping trips.

Under The Gun Peter ($1.066M) opened the action with a raise to $4k while holding pocket Tens 1010 of Spades1010 of Hearts. In the cut-off, Steve ($929k) made the call with AAce of DiamondsJJoker of Diamonds. Next to act in position on the button was Dwan ($748k), who made the call holding 99 of Hearts44 of Hearts. Last to act Charles Hook joined from the Big Blind with 77 of Diamonds55 of Clubs. Four players went to the flop with the pot standing at $18.5k.

Dwan Flop’s Trips

Second to act Peter bet out $8k after a flop of 44 of Diamonds44 of Spades66 of Diamonds which had given Tom trip 4’s. Steve who had two over-cards and the nut-flush draw made the call. In position on a wet board with significant action in front, Tom elected to raise it to $36k. Having completely whiffed the flop Hook folded, and it was now Peter’s turn to act. Knowing how aggressive Tom can be and with several draws in the mix he made the call, as did Peter.

Did that Turn really just happen? Wow, the 1010 of Clubs gave Peter Tens full of Fours. the action was checked around to Tom, who fired a $76k bet. Peter made the call with the nuts setting the trap, Steve made a very good fold knowing that his potential flushdraw could be poison. Going to the River there was now a gigantic $279k in the middle.

Props to Peter for checking his hand for a third time, he must have felt sure Dwan would bet out again. Which he did, with a bet of $167k. The pot now stood at $446k, with Dwan only having $465k behind, will Peter try and get the lot? Not quite, but he did raise it to $425k, which left Dwan faced with a $258k call.

It was clear Tom was not expecting the re-raise, his hand had gone from betting for Value, to now having to decipher if Peter was bluffing. Betting with worse was very unlikely. After a lot of deliberation, Dwan begrudgingly made the call allowing Peter to scoop the monstrous $1.1 Million pot.

Check out the video below to see the hand play out.