Mean Jean Was Keen to Gamble With Seven Deuce

Mean Jean Was Keen to Gamble With Seven Deuce

Mean Jean Gambles With Seven Deuce Vs Yara on Maximum Pain Monday

Check out this hand from a Maximum Pain Monday stream on Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 4th December. The hand was played between Mean Jean & Yara with the blinds being $10/20/40 with a $20 BB Ante.

The action began with DQ ($2,490) limping into the hand from the +2 with AAce of Diamonds66 of Hearts. Next to act in the cut-off was Mean Jean ($17,600) who opted to spice things up by raising it up to $360 with 77 of Hearts22 of Diamonds no less. There was no official Deuce Seven game going on, however it is still a hand players like to try and make something happen with for bragging rights. Nikos ($5,870) in the big blind made the call for $340 his cards were 66 of Clubs33 of Clubs although he had not looked at them, announcing to the table “I don’t even know what I have”. Last to act Was Yara ($3.600) in the third blind. She threw in a 3-bet to $1,000 with AAce of SpadesQQueen of Hearts.

DQ who had limped into the hand mucked his cards straight away, Mean Jean however, well he had no plans to fold. He 4-Betted it to $5,890, which more then covered Yara. She made the call. Interestingly neither player turned their hand over, electing to watch the hand play out before revealing what they have. Although Mean Jean had the worst hand pre flop in Poker, in this particular scenario he was a respectable 32% to win the hand. The Pot stood at $7,710, with the players running the hand just once.

The Board Ran out 55 of Clubs1010 of ClubsJJoker of Spades 99 of Diamonds and the 22 of Spades sealed Yara’s fate, Mean Jean was all to keen to table his Seven Deuce presuming it was likely good. “0hhh Nooo, whyyy” was the cry from Yara, not believing what she had just witnessed.

Check out the video below to see how it played out and the reactions.

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