Mars Was fully committed to the Flush draw vs Sashimi

Mars Was fully committed to the Flush draw vs Sashimi

Mars fully committed against Sashimi in the Ante Game on Hustler Casino Live

Check out this hand from an ante game stream from Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 11th July 2023. The hand was played between Sashimi & Mars, with the blinds being $25/$50.

The action began with Sashimi Under The Gun limping into the pot with 66 of Diamonds66 of Clubs from a $10,450 stack. Nick in the +1 Joined the action with KKing of Diamonds1010 of Hearts. Jetman in the +2 had seen enough limps and raised it up to $325 with AAce of Clubs1010 of Spades. Mars in the High-Jack was next to act who also joined the party feeling gambly with QQueen of Hearts55 of Hearts. Sashimi was the only other player to make the call. Three players to the flop, with $1,175 in the pot.

the flop came down 22 of Hearts66 of HeartsJJoker of Spadesgiving Sashimi a set of sixes, and Mars a queen high flush draw. Sashimi first to act, checked it over, Jetman with nothing but Ace-high continued his pre flop aggression by putting out a bet of $450. Mars last to act, decided to play his flush draw aggressively by raising it to $1,200. With the action now on Sashimi, she had had enough of slow playing her set, she put out a very small 3-Bet to $3,000 which screamed strength. Jetman could not much his cards quick enough. At this point, Mars fully committed to the flush draw and 4-Bet it to $10,150, putting Sashimi all in. The pot stood at $21,925.

Do you want to Run it Twice?

Sashimi was happy to run it twice, but Mars being in the gambly mood he was in, elected to run it just the once.

The Turn revealed the 99 of Heartsgiving Mars his flush, sashimi was now looking for the board to pair, or to hit the case 6.

There was justice for Sashimi as the river was the JJoker of Hearts pairing the board, making her a Fullhouse, Sixes full of Jacks.

Check out the video below to watch how it played out.

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