Mariano is Put to the Test by Dentist Dave

Mariano is Put to the Test by Dentist Dave

Mariano is Put to the Test On Maximum Pain Monday’s on Hustler Casino Live

Check out the action from this hand on a Hustler Casino Live Max Pain Monday game, that was live streamed on Monday 16th October 2023. The Blinds were $25/$50 with a $50 BB Ante.

Dr.P in the +2 raised it up to $300 with a stack of $15,375 and 88 of Hearts66 of Hearts in his hand. Zeo Called in the High-Jack with KKing of ClubsJJoker of Hearts. Next to act was Sun who also called with suited connectors 44 of Hearts22 of Hearts. Dentist Dave in the SB had by far the best of it up until this point. He 3-Bet it to $1,400 with Pocket Jacks JJoker of SpadesJJoker of Clubs. Last to act was Mariano who was the straddler Under The Gun with Pocket Queens QQueen of HeartsQQueen of Diamonds. As you would expect Mariano put in the 4-Bet, this got the rest of the players to fold, except Dentist Dave with his Jacks. Dave put in the additional $2,600 and to the flop they went with $6,400 in the middle.

The flop came down JJoker of Diamonds88 of Clubs10 Giving Dave a set of Jack’s, Mariano’s Queens were now massively behind, although he did pick up a gutshot for a straight. Both players checked the flop.

The turn produced the 66 of Spades Dentist dave now led out with a bet of $4,000. Mariano quickly made the call, and they went to the River with $17,000 in the middle. At this point Dentist Dave only had $22,250 left in his stack.

Will Mariano Get Away from his Over Pair?

the River was another six, the 66 of Clubs and Dentist Dave now had a Fullhouse. Dentist Dave spent very little time deciding what to do, he sensed that perhaps he could win the max, and jammed all in. Mariano was now in a very difficult spot, Would Dentist Dave do this with worse then a pair of Queens? how likely is it that he would be bluffing? After around 2 minutes of pondering what to do, Mariano did make the call, and got the bad news. Dentist Dave took down the close to $60K pot.

To see how the hand played out, check out the video below.