Jboogs’ boat Barges into the Inferior boat of Luda Chris

Jboogs’ boat Barges into the Inferior boat of Luda Chris

Luda Chris’ Rivered Boat is out Gunned by Jboogs’ Bigger Boat

Check out this boat over boat hand that took part in the Ante game, played at Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 9th January 2024. The hand was played between  Jeremy “Jboogs” Levin & Luda Chris with the blinds being $25/$50 with every player paying a $25 ante into the pot.

Jboog’s ($27,175) saw six limpers in front before he decided to go full steam ahead by raising it up to $500 in the cut-off with KKing of DiamondsJJoker of Spades. This was enough to get the limpers to fold except for Luda Chris ($53,000) who had no plans on letting this hand sail away. Rather then just call, he took the aggressive approach and raised it up to $3,500 with JJoker of Diamonds55 of Clubs. The remaining limpers folded and the action was now back on Jeremy. Undeterred by Luda’s show of potential strength, Boogs made the call and the two went heads up to the flop with $7,775 in the middle.

What an Absolute Banger of a Flop

What an absolute banger of a flop KKing of SpadesJJoker of HeartsJJoker of Clubs, Not only had Luda hit trip Jack’s but Jboogs had flopped a boat, Jack’s full of King’s. First to act Luda bet out $1,500 which was matched by a quick call from Jeremy. Going to the Turn the pot now stood at $10,775.

On the turn was the 99 of Hearts a relatively wet looking card, Queen-Ten would have just got there, and the card opened up a flush heart draw. Once again first to act, Chris led out, this time with a bet of $5,000. Just as before Jeremy flatted and to the River they went with $20,775 in play.

What a cooler for Luda Chris when the 99 of Spades hit making him a fullhouse. $17,200 was the bet from Luda putting Levin all in, which of course was immediately snapped off. What an unfortunate rivered boat for Luda.

Check out the video below to see how the hand panned out.