Luda Chris Is Debating Calling With What?

Luda Chris Is Debating Calling With What?

Love or hate him, one thing is for sure, Luda Chris is sure entertaining! I understand those who feel he takes an unnecessary amount of time to make decisions, but in his defense, he rarely makes a wrong decision. As I have done previously on occasion, I’m going into this hand blind and reviewing it whilst watching for the first time, just like for those who have not seen the hand, I’m oblivious to the outcome 🙂

Ok, so Hustler Casino Live have recently posted a hand titled “Luda Chris Wants to Hero Call With What? As you’d expect, that got my attention. Let’s dive in and see just how outrageous this “The Ante Game” hand is. As always the Ante game was played with blinds of $25/$50.

In Typical Luda Chris ($20,225, cutoff, QQueen of Clubs88 of Clubs) fashion he narrowed the field down with a sizeable 3-bet to $1,600 attacking “Turbo‘s” ($29,150, AAce of ClubsQQueen of Hearts Raise of $300 from the high-jack. After several Folds, the action was now back on Mike X ($18,900) who had initially limped into the pot with KKing of Diamonds44 of Diamonds from the +1.

“Mike Responded with a Gutsy 4-Bet”

Typically you would expect a player of Mike’s nature to fold here. But props to him, he’s seen enough of Luda’s play over the last few years to know his squeeze play could likely be a play, which it was. Mike responded with a gutsy 4-bet to $5,400. Turbo has seen enough, and folded the best hand, given the action you can’t blame him. Luda called, and to the flop, the pair went with $11,225 in the middle.

The flop came down 99 of Spades33 of Hearts99 of Clubs which heavily favored Mike’s range, how does Luda represent on this board? If he were to have a big hand, he’d likely have 5-bet pre-flop. First to act Mike led out with a $4,600 bet. As we know by the title Luda is going nowhere, but what is he thinking? He peeled a card off in Position, perhaps presuming Mike might slow down on the Turn. There was now a huge $20,425 in play.

At this point, Mike was committed to winning the hand by any means necessary, the AAce of Hearts on the turn was an obvious scare card for him, but at the same time, it was a card that could have helped him too.

Responding to the “All in” by Mike, Luda’s spidey sense was in full flow, stating he can beat Four-Five, “I have Queen-Eight” while showing his hand to the Table.

“You Should Call, It’s a Monster Hand”

Mike’s demeanor changed once he knew he could not lose the pot. Acting perhaps a little too confident stating “You should call, it;s a Monster Hand” In reality if he were bluffing in this spot would he be confident enough to throw in reverse tells, Acting strong when indeed weak? As is often the case Luda tried his hardest to try and get as much information as possible from his opponent, asking the Question “Do you have King High” One of the few bluffs he could not beat.

This turned into one of the rare occasions where Luda made the incorrect call. Sometimes in poker, you can be half right, but that yields you nothing in return. Fair play to Luda for calling, even if it was an extremely thin spot. Hes a gut-instinctive player and on this occasion, he was incorrect. As a good friend of mine used to say, onto the next hand!