Luda Chris’ Deuces Dominate the Night’s Biggest Pot

Luda Chris’ Deuces Dominate the Night’s Biggest Pot

Luda Chris’ Deuces Flop a Set in The Night’s Largest Pot: HCL The Ante Game

Let’s look at the largest pot of the night from this week’s ante game at Hustler Casino Live. The action was live-streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 4th of June 2024. The hand was played between Luda Chris & Francisco. With the blinds being $25/$50, every player pays a $25 ante into the pot.

Under The Gun, Dr.H ($65,825) got things underway with a raise to $300 with 44 of Diamonds33 of Diamonds. Three players made the call creating a $1,300 pot going to the flop.

After a flop of 22 of Diamonds44 of HeartsQQueen of Diamonds Luda Chris ( $45,450) had hit a set of Deuces with his pocket two’s 22 of Spades22 of Clubs. Francisco ($25,650) without yet hitting, had flopped pretty well with his 66 of Diamonds55 of Diamonds, picking up a flush draw and a gutterball. Luda Chris, the last to act, confidently bet $1,300 into the pot, prompting an exasperated “Why, Chris?” from Dr. H. Known for his loose-aggressive playstyle, Luda Chris could be holding a wide range of hands in this situation. The doctor made the call. Francisco had seen enough and decided it was time to gamble! “All in” was his play.

On such a wet board this was not the time to just flat, and Luda Jammed all in.Dr. H now faced a daunting decision, with a $45,450 bet standing between him and the $75,000 pot. Surprisingly, he mucked his hand, perhaps fearing he could be up against a bigger flush draw. As a result, Luda Chris, and Francisco would now play for the $53,900 pot.

Luda Chris’ set of deuces managed to hold after the board ran out 1010 of Hearts, 77 of Hearts allowing him to scoop the $53,900 pot.