Luda Chris Bluffing Against Nick Vertucci HCL

Luda Chris Bluffing Against Nick Vertucci HCL

Luda Chris Bluffing Vs Nick Vertucci On Hustler Casino Live

Check out this hand between Luda Chris & Nick Vertucci in an Ante Game on Hustler Casino Live which aired on 17th October 2023. The Blinds were $25/$50.

After a couple of limpers into the pot, Jboogs spiced things up by raising it up to $400 in the +5 with AAce of Spades88 of Spades. Next to act was Nick in the High-Jack with AAce of HeartsQQueen of Spades who preferred the aggressive approach and 3-bet it to $1,200. Luda Chris in the cut-off decided to come along for the ride with a stack of £78,925 & AAce of Clubs66 of Clubs. Going to the flop there was $3,825 in the pot.

The flop came down 55 of Hearts99 of Clubs88 of Hearts. Jboogs first to act, checked his middle pair, Nick also checked his two over cards and a Back-Door nut flush draw. Luda Chris in position also checked back, with a Back-Door flush draw of his own, and a Gut-Shot.

The Turn Produced the QQueen of Clubs. Giving Nick top pair top kicker. This card also opened up Luda’s hand now, who was drawing to a flush. Jboogs first to act, this time put out a feeler bet of $1,800 to try and gage where his pair of Eight’s were at. Nick who turned top pair, called the bet, how would Luda react last to act in position?. Luda Chris semi-bluffed raised it up to $5,500. This prompted Jboogs to muck his middle pair, Nick with top pair had no plans to go anywhere and made the call. As the players went to the River there was $12,925 in the middle.

Will Luda Chris Continue to Bluff?

The River was for sure an interesting card the K of Hearts this made potential flushes get there as well as Jack Ten. A king in either players hand was probable. This did not scare Luda however. Not wanting to give up, knowing that his Ace high had very little showdown value, Chris elected to attack Nick’s river check, with a bet of $10,000. After a lot of deliberation Nick eventually did find a fold.

To see how the hand played out check out the video below, it is more then worth watching for Nick’s reaction when he finds out what Luda had.