Luda Chris’ Aggression runs into Ronnie’s Bullets

Luda Chris’ Aggression runs into Ronnie’s Bullets

Luda Chris’ Aggression Backfires Against Ronnie During The Ante Game

It is no secret that Luda Chris is an aggressive player let’s take a look at that aggression backfiring. The hand took part in the Ante game, played at Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 16th January 2024. The hand was played between Ronnie Ebanks Luda Chris. With the blinds being $25/$50 with every player paying a $25 ante into the pot.

the action began with Johnny ($15,950) Limping UTG with 55 of Spades44 of Spades. Sandor $14,850) also joined the pot on the cheap with a limp from the +2 with 1010 of Spades99 of Clubs. In the high-jack was Ronnie ($22,375) who put out a raise of $400 with the pocket rocket’s AAce of SpadesAAce of Hearts. Next to act in the cut off was Dr.H ($10,825) who cold called with pocket three’s 33 of Spades33 of Spades. In typical Luda Chris ($55,550) fashion he played his hand aggressively on the button 4-betting it to $1,900.

Luda Slammed his hand on the Table in Frustration

That was more then enough to get the limper’s to fold and the action was now back on Ronnie. His play of course was to raise it up, $5,400 was the asking price. Dr.H had seen enough and mucked his pocket three’s. “All in” was Luda’s response which was immediately met by a call from Ronnie “I might not win, but I am in front” said Ebanks before revealing his hand. This was met by frustration from Luda who slammed his hand on the table having seen what he was up against.

The flop was as anti-climatic as they come, the 22 of Spades77 of ClubsAAce of Clubs had Luda drawing completely dead giving Ronnie the tick mark for the $45,300 pot.

To see how the hand played out check out the video below