Jungleman Fires At The End Of The Night

Jungleman Fires At The End Of The Night

With just a few minutes left of the $50/$100/$200 + $100 BB Ante Game, with a handful of players sitting around the table, Jungleman aka Daniel Cates and Mars racked up a huge heads-up pot.

Read on to find out about this hand from the Hustler Casino high stakes Live Stream on September 16th with commentary by Bart Hanson.

UTG folded to Cates in the Cut-Off with $135,675 and 7♥️6♥️ and he decided to raise to $700. Up next was Mars on the Button with $105,100 in his stack and A♦️K♥️ in his hand, he threw in a 3-bet of $2,100. After all three blinds folded, the action returned to Jungleman. With $1,400 to call, Jungleman applied the pressure with a $6,300 pre-flop 4-bet. Mars called and they headed to the flop with a $13,050 pot. 

The flop came 9♣️5♥️K♣️, making top pair for Mars and putting Jungleman on a gutter to an 8 as well as a backdoor hearts draw. Cates threw in another bet, this time of $5,500 and Mars called. They went to the turn with the pot at $24,050.

The Q♥️ arrived on the turn, putting Jungleman one step closer to the runner-runner flush, upon which he bet $18,000. Mars called and they went to the river with a $60,050 pot. 

After the board rivered the J♥️, Jungleman completed the back-door flush and bet $41,500. After a considerable period of tanking, Mars made the smart fold and Jungleman scooped a $101,550 pot.

To watch the full action of the hand and how it played out in real-time, please view the video below.