Jungleman Bluffs 7 High; Will it Work?

Jungleman Bluffs 7 High; Will it Work?

On Friday Night, August 18, 2023 Hustler Casino Live hosted a High Stakes poker cash game with blinds of $200-$400 and a $400 big blind ante. In the hi-jack Jungleman raised to $1,400 with 7♦️6♥️. Henry called the raise on the button with A♦️4♥️ and Will completed from the small blind. The pot was $5,600 going to the flop.

The flop came down T♥️K♦️5♦️ and it was checked to Jungleman who led out for $1,600. Henry and Will both made the call and they headed to the turn in a $10,400 pot. The turn was the 4♣️ giving Jungleman an open-ended straight, Henry a pair and Will a flush-draw. Oncer again Will checked to Cates and Cates bet pot, or $10,500. Henry tanked for a moment or two and then decided to fold his bottom pair and Will came along for the river with his flush draw. The pot stood at $31,400.

Jungleman Bluffs The River

The river came the Q♦️ completing the flush for Will and leaving Jungleman with a busted straight-draw. Will once again checked over to Jungleman, who only had 7 high and contemplated his river move. He came with a bluff of $23,500, which Will snapped off and took down the pot of $78,400.

You can watch the hand here:

You can find the complete stream here:

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