Is Harsheel Ever Folding his Full-House against Mars?

Is Harsheel Ever Folding his Full-House against Mars?

Was Harsheel ever Considering folding his Full-House on Hustler Casino Live?

Check out this hand from a High Stakes Friday stream on Hustler Casino Live featuring Harsheel & Mars. the game was live streamed on October 6th 2023, with the blinds set at $100/$200/$400.

First to act was Harsheel Under the gun with Pocket four’s 44 of Hearts44 of Diamonds and a stack of $127,700. He raised it up to $1,500. This got the rest of the table to fold, until Mars who was in the Small blind with JJoker of Diamonds99 of Diamonds put in the additional $1,400 to see the flop. Andy Stacks in the third Blind liking the price he was getting put in $1,100 to also see the flop. Three ways they went with $4,900 in the middle.

The Flop came down 44 of Spades1010 of SpadesJJoker of Spades giving Mars top pair, but hitting Harsheel a lot harder with a set of Fours. First to act Mars checked, as did Andy. Harsheel also elected to check back.

The Turn Produced the 99 of Clubs further improving Mars’ hand to two pair. This time Mars, led out first to act, putting $2,500 into the pot. Andy with a very easy decision mucked his hand. Harsheel continued to slow play his set of fours, and just called the bet. Going to the River there was $9,900 in the pot.

Is Harsheel Ever laying down his hand here?

The River revealed the 1010 of Diamonds giving Harsheel a fullhouse, 10’s full of 4’s. Although Harsheel’s hand did improve, he had to give Ten-Jack some consideration, could that be in Mars’ hand? This time Mars’ checked it over to Harsheel, who over pot bet it to $10,000. Mars who’s two pair was counterfeited on the river had no intention of calling Harsheel’s bet. Instead he raised it up to to $26,500 and was in essence turning his hand into a bluff. After a lot of deliberation and table talk Harsheel did make the call and saw the good news. his hand was good for a $63k pot. Harsheel stated that he feared potential quad’s or Jack-Ten. Was Harsheel ever folding?

To see how the hand played out in full, check out the video below.