GT Rage Tilts and Accuses Luda Chris Of Cheating

GT Rage Tilts and Accuses Luda Chris Of Cheating

A Day of Remembrance Turns Sour at Hustler Casino Live With Luda Chris Accused of Cheating

This Tuesday’s Ante Game at Hustler Casino Live started with Nick Vertucci paying his respects to Big John, whose father had sadly passed away earlier that day. John’s father told him the night before that he’d be watching. With the belief that his father would be looking down on him from the afterlife, John decided to play with his HCL Friends.

Sadly a day that should have remained John’s day, will be remembered for the accusations that followed. Around four hours and twenty minutes into the stream things changed. GT had his Aces cracked by Luda Chris who was holding Eight-Six of Hearts.

Believing that something foul was at play GT voiced “When the dealing is going your way you can do anything”. Shortly after GT said “Check him, check him on his body and see what is beeping, this is unbelievable.” GT’s accusations were harsh and direct with little evidence to back it up. Luda Chris’ play as loose as it was, was not out of character. Luda is known to play loose aggressive poker, with a tendency to raise light pre-flop when action is in front of him. Rarely does he fold pre-flop when he has committed a chunk of his stack in the middle.

GT Reacts with Direct Accusations After Aces Are Cracked

The hand occurred during The Ante Game on Tuesday 30th January 2024 with the action being live-streamed on Hustler Casino Live’s YouTube Channel. The blinds were $25/$50 with every player paying a $25 ante. The players were playing the “Stand-Up Game” where players win tokens for winning a pot. The last player to have not won a pot pays each player with a token $1,000.

After four limps in front GT in the +4 ($128,550 behind) revved things up by raising the pot to $1,000 with AAce of SpadesAAce of Clubs. It’s worth noting the only players to not win a token were GT and Mike X. Next to act was Francisco ($72,350 behind) in the high-jack who made the call with 1010 of Spades1010 of Hearts. Mike X ($25,200 behind) the first limper into the pot UTG and in need of a token made the call with JJoker of Clubs33 of Clubs.

Next to act was Luda Chris ($60,225 behind) in the UTG+1 now turned his limp into a 3-bet to $6,000. This was a very common play by the aggressive Luda. It is worth pointing out that strategy in the Ante game often sees players limp big pocket pairs in the hope that players raise it up. So it is not uncommon to limp and then try and represent a monster.

Luda was unwilling to fold

Luda Chris Faced with a $13,000 call, Into a $27,175 pot

With the action now back on GT he blasted a 4-bet to $19,000. Francisco and Mike X laid down their hands and Luda was now faced with a decision. Was GT desperate to win a token for the stand-up game and trying to take the pot down here and now? The pot stood at $27,175 and the asking price was $13,000 more for Luda to call having $6,000 already invested in the pot. Luda made the call and to the flop they went.

The flop came down KKing of Spades88 of Diamonds88 of Clubs Giving Luda trip Eight’s. Once checked to Gt put out a bet of $15,000 to which Chris called. The pot now stood at $70,175 going to the turn.

The JJoker of Diamonds was revealed and both players checked.

On the river, the 77 of Spades was shown. With just $32,225 left behind and not wanting to risk his opponent checking back once again, Luda Jammed “all in” for his remaining stack. After asking for a count, GT made the call and received the bad news when Luda announced “Trips”.

GT in Disbelief at his opponent's hand
GT in Disbelief seeing his opponent’s hand

An Unfortunate Flop For GT

Having looked over the hand was there any indication of foul play? It is extremely unlikely with no evidence to back up GT’s claims. Luda Chris even agreed to be strip searched if that would put GT’s mind at ease, to which he declined.

It is clear from the reaction that GT was frustrated by the hand. Poker players feel a sense of euphoria when being dealt aces, with the expectation to win the pot is high. The feeling is gut-wrenching when they do not hold up. Having them lose in the manner in which they did to Luda must have prolonged the ill-feeling and a sense of injustice was felt by GT.

It was pretty evident to those watching the livestream at the time that GT’s reaction was fueled by tilt with no evidence in the tank to back up his claims that he had been cheated. The viewers on YouTube in the chat thought that yes the hand was “sick” and unfortunate for GT, but at no point was there a cry of foul play. Those who watch the show are aware of just how loose Luda Chris can play.

Vertucci Is Alerted to the Drama By Feldman

Amid the unfolding drama, co-creator and stream commentator Nick Vertucci was brought up to speed by Ryan Feldman the other co-creator of Hustler Casino Live. Positioned in the commentary booth, Nick observed the action at the same time as viewers, with an hour’s delay. As the on-table events caught up, Nick made a deliberate choice to stay silent. Allowing the audience to fully absorb GT’s ranting accusations.

Once GT had left, Vertucci addressed the issue announcing his stance and that of HCL’s on the matter. Nick went on to say “Me and Ryan like GT a lot, we always have. I’m Shocked. Look, we could have muted it but we let it cook. We have nothing to hide. I heard it for the first time with you. I’m only going to say a few things Because I’m not going to sit here and look defensive cuz GT doesn’t understand that Aces get cracked. And I mean this respectively It is not uncommon for Chris to play a hand this way. I’ve been in many of them. And this is why he gets paid because he does things like this” (referring to Chris’s loose play style).

“If I had known I would have Encouraged GT to do That”

Nick then discussed Luda Chris’ willingness to be stripped searched to clear his name saying,

“Im really glad Chris offered to let GT strip search him, If I would have known that I would have encouraged GT to do that. So Kudos to Chris for that because he is being accused of something pretty nefarious and I take offence to that. I feel bad for Chris but he handled it with class. He’s also accusing magic, because what he is saying is that we knew the flop. Ok, i’m not going to get into it any further then that, it is nonsense. It’s unfortunate I really like GT a lot I think he is a nice guy

“Here’s what I really do think and he may go home and think the same thing for the next 10 years. He’s tilted, I think his brain just went there and that’s what he believed in the moment. He has every right to believe what he believes. There will be no investigation, there is not one warranted. In Texas Holdem shit like this happens Your Aces get cracked“.

“Go back and watch as many hands as you want from Luda and you will come to the conclusion that nothing happened. We will not be releasing I think any statements that’s our stance on it. Ill see you guy’s in Spaces (referring to spaces on X Formally known as Twitter) to answer any of your questions I look forward to doing it. That’s what happened I thought you would want to hear. the only thing I will not disclose is what I and GT talked about out of respect for him but I will say it was inline with what you heard.

You can check out the video below to see the hand and the drama that entails. Vertucci’s Statment begins at the 4:50 mark.