Garrett Adelstein Returns: First hand Played in 14 Months

Garrett Adelstein Returns: First hand Played in 14 Months

Garrett Adelstein Returns To Live Streamed Poker

After a 14-month hiatus from Live Poker, let’s examine Garrett’s first hand to see how he fares upon his return.It took part at Bally Live, Tropicana Las Vegas. The action was live streamed on Bally Live Poker’s YouTube channel on the 13th December 2023. Prince Charles, Curtis, and Garett Adelstein were the players involved in this $100/$200 game. Returning to the poker scene after a recent hiatus himself, Joey Ingram provided commentary

The action began with Curtis ($80,000) limping into the hand from UTG with KKing of SpadesQQueen of Hearts this was met by a $1,000 raise from Adelstein ($135,000) who had been dealt 55 of Diamonds55 of Clubs in the +1. The table folded until Charles ($100k) in the Cut-Off made the call with KKing of HeartsQQueen of Clubs as did the limper Curtis. Three players went to the flop with $3,500 in the middle.

Will Fives be Good Enough?

The flop came down JJoker of DiamondsAAce of Hearts66 of Diamonds which missed all three, however Curtis and Charles had picked up a Gut-Shot for Broadway. Garrett took the initiative as the action circulated to him, launching a bet of $1,100 into the pot. Both of his opponents made the call. Going to the turn the pot now stood at $6,800.

The turn was a non eventful 33 of Clubs finding it hard to believe his fives could be good given the two callers on the flop, Garrett checked. Charles responded by checking the hand back as well.

The river revealed the 66 of Hearts pairing the board. Similar to the turn action, the players checked the hand down, ultimately awarding the pot to Adelstein, whose pair of fives proved to be sufficient for winning his first hand back in live poker after a 14-month hiatus.

Check out the video below to see how the hand played out.