From Commanding the Deck to the Bowels for Luda Chris

From Commanding the Deck to the Bowels for Luda Chris

Luda Chris Goes from Euphoria to Having His Head in a Spin

It was plain sailing for Luda Chris until Nick Vertucci decided to play the villain. will Luda be able to work it out, and sail onto victory? The hand occurred during this week’s ante game at Hustler Casino Live. The action was live-streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 16th of July 2024. With the blinds being $25/$50, every player pays a $25 ante into the pot.

After several limps in front JBoogs ($40,525) in the High-Jack took the initiative and raised to $300 with suited connectors 99 of Hearts88 of Hearts. His hold over the pot was short-lived, as Nick amped up the ante to $1,500 with AAce of Hearts1010 of Hearts. The rest of the table folded, and it was now on Luda Chris ($50,050) in the +4, who had limped into the pot earlier with JJoker of Clubs33 of Diamonds.

Luda Chris is a Master of Deception

Limping with strong hands in the Ante game is far from an uncommon occurrence. Given the nature of the game, players limp with the hope that those left to act get out of line. So when Luda Chris chucked out a 4-Bet to $4,000, Nick had to give it respect. However, Chris is known as a loose aggressive player, and Nick is more than aware of his opponent’s play style, having had numerous running battles. Nick called heads-up to the flop with $8,475 in the middle.

Luda Chris 4-bets Nick Vertucci
Luda Chris 4-Bets to $4,000

An Above Average Flop

You could say the flop 33 of HeartsJJoker of DiamondsKKing of Hearts was above average for what Luda could have hoped for. He had flopped two pairs, Nick had not flopped bad either, picking up a Gutshot + the nut flush draw. First to act, Luda continued his pre-flop aggression, with a lead-out bet of $6,300. This could spell fireworks. With a draw this strong and knowing his opponent could have a magnitude of different hands, raising here could be forgiven. However, he just called, to the turn they went with the pot now standing at $21,075.

What Line to sail when you turn a Boat?

Sound the Foghorns, Luda boated up after the 33 of Spades was revealed. He led out with a bet of $8,000, just enough to bait his opponent into calling.

Fortunately for Nick, the river KKing of Diamonds was a brick. His decision could still be tough regardless, against a sticky player. Two Pairs with an Ace kicker could more than be good here. It’s worth noting Luda Chris’ full house had now been counterfeited, he would be losing against a King, so he opted to check.

Vertucci immediately jammed “All In” for $19,825. His opponent was clearly in the blender, could Nick have a King? Had he gone from the Captain’s Bridge to the bowels of the boat? After a lot of thought, Luda made the call scooping the huge $74,875 pot.