Flushed with Courage: Prestige’s Daring Bluff Against Bones

Flushed with Courage: Prestige’s Daring Bluff Against Bones

Prestige Deserves Admiration After this Daring River Bluff

Fair play to Prestige, he admirably turned his missed flush draw into a bluff on a double-paired board. The question is did it work? Let’s have a look, at the hand that took place at Texas Card House in Austin. It was live-streamed on Texas Card House’s YouTube Channel on the 1st of April 2024. With the blinds set at $2/$5.

The action kicked off with a raise of $35 from Bones ($3.2k) who had been dealt 88 of Spades66 of Spades in the low-Jack. The only other player to join the hand was the under-the-gun straddler Prestige who starred down at AAce of Spades99 of Hearts. Two players to the flop with $77 in the middle.

After a flop of 44 of Spades1010 of DiamondsJJoker of Spades Prestige first to act, led out with a largish bet of $50. Drawing to the spade flush draw Bones made the quick call, and to the turn, they went.

Feeling Bad to the Bones after that river

the 1010 of Spades on the turn had made bones’ flush, now drawing to the nut flush himself, how will prestige proceed? His play was to check, which was met by a close to pot bet of $175 from his opponent. Prestige made the call and to the river, the pair went, there was now a respectable $527 in the pot.

Well, the JJoker of Clubs on the river must have made Bones worry a little, especially given the way the hand played out. After a bet of $175 from his opponent, Bones had to give his opponent some credit for possibly having a Ten or a Jack here. This was not an easy decision to make, after a little thought though, he did indeed call, scooping the $877 pot in the process. Credit to Prestige though, it was a daring bluff that had a lot of merit.

Check out the video to see the hand and the rest of the session.