Fat Al’s Pocket King’s Find an Escape vs Aces

Fat Al’s Pocket King’s Find an Escape vs Aces

Fat Al’s Pocket King’s Go up Against The Professor’s Aces on Omaha Night: HCL

Check out this hand that played on the 19th October 2023 from a Super High Stakes Pot Limit Omaha stream on Hustler Casino Live. It featured Fat Al, Professor, & Prince Charles. the blinds were $500/$500/$1000 + a BB Ante of $2k.

The action began with Professor UTG, who raised it up to $4,000 with a very nice looking hand AAce of SpadesAAce of ClubsJJoker of SpadesJJoker of Hearts which left him $92,500 in his stack. Charles on the button made the call with AAce of DiamondsQQueen of Diamonds99 of Hearts88 of Spades from a $149,000 stack. Next to act was Fat Al in the Small Blind with a stack size of $50,000. Al looked down at his cards KKing of HeartsKKing of Diamonds66 of Diamonds33 of Hearts and elected to play his kings super aggressively by 3-Betting it to $17,500 leaving himself just $33,500 behind. The action was now back on the initial pre flop raiser, Professor. As you would expect the Professor threw in a four bet to $62,000. Charles surprisingly made the call, as did Fat Al.

Fat Al Pick’s up a Gutshot for a Slither of Hope

The flop came down 22 of Clubs55 of Clubs1010 of Hearts completely missing Charles’ hand. As things stood, Professor was still in the lead with his pocket Aces. The Professor First to act went all in with his remaining $38,500. This led Charles to make the very easy laydown. and the action was now all In between Fat Al, and Professor. Fat Al had a gutshot, backdoor hearts, or two of the remaining Kings as his outs. The players choose to run the hand twice.

The first runout saw the turn produce the AAce of Hearts giving Professor top set, this also opened the door for Al to hit his flush. The River was a cruel one for Al, the KKing of Clubs was now dead for the second run.

The second runout showed the 44 of Clubs on the Turn, giving Al the gutshot he so desperately needed. Both players chopped up the huge $156,500

Check out the video below to watch how the hand played out. You can also see the entire PLO session on hustler casino’s YouTube Channel.