Dream Debut For Sashimi On High Stakes Friday

Dream Debut For Sashimi On High Stakes Friday

During a $100/$200 game on Hustler Casino Live, Sashimi, on her high-stakes poker debut, had dream cards running for her. Here are two hands she played with combined pots of over $400k.

First Hand:

Sashimi opened the pot to $500 in High-Jack with $135,200 in her stack and A♣️K♦️ in front of her. The Cut-Off player then followed up with a 3-bet of $1,500 which triggered folds to Blank Check Ben in Big Blind who called with 8♦️7♦️ and $217,500 in his stack. Sashimi then decided to switch on the heat with a 4-bet of $8,000 which caused The Button player to fold while Ben called and off to the flop heads-up they went.

Sashimi had top pair after the board flopped A♦️8♣️7♣️, while Ben had bottom pair and both players had the window opened for a runner-runner flush. Ben checked over to Sashimi and she bet $10,000 which Ben raised to $48,000. Sashimi then went all-in and Ben snap-called the $79,2k, totaling the pot at $272,200. The cards were shown and they went to the turn, agreeing to run it twice.

Ben drew dead on the first run when the K♣️ came down, while Sashimi turned top pair and second pair as one more club draw for the flush. The first river completed her flawless run with a 5♣️ to give her the flush. The second run bricked for both players, meaning Ben came away ahead with his two pair in the flop and they chopped it up.


After a $1k straddle, the action folded to the Cut-Off who raised to $3,500. The Button folded and next up was Sashimi in Small Blind with $23,600 in her stack and she came with a 3-bet of $11,000 with 10♠️10♣️. Another fold from Big Blind and the action arrived at Dentist Dave with Q♣️J♣️ Under-The-Gun who called with $90k in his stack and off they went three-ways to the flop.

The board flopped Q♦️10♥️5♣️, middle set for Sashimi and top pair for Dentist Dave as well as a backdoor clubs flush draw. Sashimi threw $20,000 over the line and Dentist Dave followed with an all-in shove of $80,100. The Button player folded and Sashimi called $60,100. They agreed to run it twice from the turn and went heads-up for $193,600.

Dead draws for Dave on both runs meant that Sashimi scooped the almost $200k pot.

To see the full action of the hand and how it was analyzed in real-time, see the video below.