DQ Utterly Confused Vs Airika on Maximum Pain Monday

DQ Utterly Confused Vs Airika on Maximum Pain Monday

DQ Utterly Confused Vs Airika On Hustler Casino Live

Check out this hand between DQ & Airikacal on a Maximum Pain Monday stream on Hustler Casino Live. The blinds were $10/$20/$40 + a $20 BB Ante. DQ Was utterly Confused by Airika’s flop play.

Kylie first to act UTG limped into the pot with 88 of Diamonds77 of Clubs putting in $40, next to join the hand was Airika in the +2 who also limped in with 33 of Diamonds33 of Clubs. Nate in the High-Jack also joined the action with J of Diamonds88 of Hearts. The action was now on DQ who revved things up by raising it to $440 with AAce of Diamonds66 of Spades. This got the rest of the table to fold, until the action was back on Airika, she threw in $400 to see the flop, Nate wanting no further action mucked his hand. going to the flop there was $1,050 in the middle.

What Was DQ Thinking?

The flop came down 33 of HeartsKKing of ClubsAAce of Spades giving Airika a set of three’s and DQ top pair. Airika looked awfully pleased with the flop as she nodded her head up and down in excitement. A few seconds later she announced all in, Live tells perhaps you would expect DQ to pick up on? DQ however seemed totally perplexed, Airika had just jammed all in ($7,180) into a pot of just $1,050. To say DQ was baffled is an understatement, There were no obvious draws, not a flush draw in sight, what could she possibly have? To the bewilderment of the commentators DQ did make the call with just a pair of aces, with no kicker to boot. You can only assume DQ was utterly confused and made a very rash call.

The Turn was the 55 of Diamonds giving Airikacal the 100% check mark, and DQ a head scratching moment. Airika scooped the $15,410 pot, which got her back to break even on the night.

To see how the hand played out check out the video below.