Doug Polk Wins Huge $271k Pot with Three-Deuce

Doug Polk Wins Huge $271k Pot with Three-Deuce

Doug Polk wins Huge $271k Pot Vs Tesla at Poker At The Lodge

With implied odds looking perhaps certain, it is no wonder Doug Polk entered the fray with deuce-three suited Vs Tesla at Poker At the Lodge. Tesla has been known to make some wild plays, and Doug is very much aware. The hand was played out between Doug Polk & Tesla, with the blinds set at $100/$200/$400. The action was live-streamed on Poker At the Lodge’s YouTube Channel on the 17th of March 2024.

the action began With Doug ($375k) raising it up to $1,000 with 33 of Clubs22 of Clubs. In the Small Blind Tesla ($133.1k) Defended with KKing of Diamonds66 of Clubs. Goofy In the Big Blind made the call holding low cards of his own 55 of Spades33 of Diamonds. Last to act was the under-the-gun straddler Bulldog who also joined the hand, holding JJoker of Diamonds1010 of Clubs. Four players went to the flop, with the pot standing at $4,200.

Polk Flops a Club Flush Draw

Doug’s Pitiful three-deuce didn’t look that weak any longer after a flop of 88 of DiamondsKKing of Clubs99 of Clubs, he had picked up a club flush draw. Tesla had flopped top pair, whereas Goofy had an open-ended straight draw. the action was checked around to Doug who put out a modest bet of $1,000. This was instantly met with resistance by Tesla who raised it up to $3,000. Both of his opponents called and there was now $13,200 in the middle going to the turn.

The turn was a complete blank when the 44 of Diamonds landed, believing his Pair of Kings to be good, Tesla led out with a sizeable bet of $11,000. This was enough to get Goofy to fold his inferior draw, Doug drawing to a flush made the call.

On the river was a dream card for Doug, when the 55 of Clubs landed Polk had made his Flush. The gifts did not stop there, Tesla continued to lead out. This time the bet was a hefty $25k. The pot now stood at $60,200 and with just $93k behind for Tesla, Polk’s play was to put his opponent all in. Tesla made the call and received the bad news. Which led to him taking a breather, and briefly leaving the table. What an insane $271k pot for Doug to pick up.

Check out the video below to see the hand play out.

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