Doug Polk Has Over $500k Swing At PATL

Doug Polk Has Over $500k Swing At PATL

Doug Polk Has Over $500k Swing At Poker At The Lodge

Known for his ballsy Plays Doug Polk is no stranger to large pots, having a $500k swing in 8 minutes is impressive, even for Doug’s standards. The action Took part at Poker At The Lodge with the blinds being $100/$200 + a $200 big blind ante.

Let’s dive into the first hand where Doug was the aggressor pre-flop. The action began with Tesla ($241,575) raising it up to $2,600 from the cut-off with pocket Eights 88 of Spades88 of Hearts. In the small blind Doug ($153,525) was feeling dicey and chucked out a large 3-bet to $12,000 with QQueen of Clubs1010 of Clubs. The big blind folded and the action was now back on Tesla. A lot of players in this spot would just flat with Eight’s due to its hand strength, Tesla however perhaps being aware of Doug’s ultra-loose image put out a 4-bet to $35,000. Living up to his image Doug made the call and the pot stood at a huge $70,400 going to the flop.

And what a flop it was 99 of Hearts88 of DiamondsQQueen of Diamonds Tesla had flopped a set of Eights whereas Doug not only flopped top pair but had a gut-shot to go with it. Once checked to, Tesla surprisingly moved “all in”. This did not deter Doug from calling near instantly though. The players agreed to run the huge $307,450 pot twice.

The first run provided Doug with a few more outs when the 1010 of Spades landed on the turn. There was no lucky river however the 55 of Clubs gave Tesla the first runout.

After the AAce of Spades was revealed on the second turn thing’s were looking rather grim for Doug as he was drawing to just four outs on the river. That was enough though when the JJoker of Spades showed up on the river.

Doug was Jubilant after chopping up the pot

Doug & Tesla Crash Heads On Once Again

Once again Doug & Tesla went heads up to the flop, this time around the outcome was considerably different. First to act Tesla (($241,775) raised it up to $2,000 from the high-jack with KKing of Clubs33 of Clubs. Just like the previous hand waiting in the wings was Polk ($153,525) who fired out a 3-bet with 1010 of Hearts55 of Hearts. The rest of the table folded until it was Tesla’s turn to act again. He made the call, and the pair went heads-up to the flop with $16,500 in the middle.

On the flop was 22 of Clubs33 of Hearts44 of Diamonds giving Tesla a pair of threes with Polk having two over cards and an up and down straight draw.

After both players checked the flop the QQueen of Spades was dealt on the turn. This time first to act Tesla reached for chips and fired out a bet of $11,000. With his draws still in play Doug called and the pot was now looking rather hefty at $38,.500.

On the river Doug hit one of his many outs, the AAce of Hearts made him the wheel. Just like he had done on the flop, Tesla checked it over to his opponent. Doug’s value bet of $21,00 had a lot of weight behind it, this did not Phase Tesla though. He decided to turn his hand into a bluff and raised it up to a whopping $80,000. Doug wasted no time in accepting the gift from his opponent, what a hand to win a $198,500 pot with!

Tesla Contemplating whether to turn his hand into a bluff

Good Thing’s come in Trips?

They say good things come in pairs, but what about trips? Once again Doug battled Tesla for the third time, how will his pair of threes fare?

There’s a running theme here can you tell what it is? once again Tesla ($254,375) in the cut-off Opened the action to $3,000 with AAce of Hearts55 of Hearts. This caused players to fold until it was Doug’s ($254,525) turn to act in the small blind. He broke the mold though this time and just flatted with his pocket threes 33 of Hearts33 of Diamonds. The rest of the table folded and the pair went heads-up to the flop with $6,800 in the middle.

The flop came down 33 of Clubs44 of DiamondsJJoker of Spades giving Doug a set of threes, Tesla had a gut-shot to go with his ace-high. Being as crafty as ever Doug went for a check-raise. $5,000 was the bet from his opponent with his response being a raise to $15,000. Tesla called and off to the turn they went with the pot standing tall at $36,800.

First to act Doug led out after the 1010 of Clubs was revealed on the turn. Call it a moment of madness or perhaps a rush of blood, what happened next was aggression of the wildest kind. Tesla’s response was “all in” which was immediately snapped off by Polk. the one saving grace for Tesla in this incredible $509,550 pot, is that he had four outs to make the wheel straight. Both Players agreed to run the hand twice. Sadly for Tesla, there were no miracles on the river.

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