DGAF with the Bluff of the Week on DGAF’s Live Poker Show

DGAF with the Bluff of the Week on DGAF’s Live Poker Show

On Monday, July 15, on the DGAF’s Live Poker Show the game was No Limit Hold’em 10/20/40 Blinds. The game was full of play and the game lasted for many hours. Late into the night, approximately seven hours and forty minutes in, we encounter this hand.

DGAF with the Bluff of the Week: Hand Play

The hand that we are discussing finds the game playing 5-handed. The action folds to Tal in the small blind and he raises to $120. DGAF in the big blind calls and Julia folded as DGAF told me “because she was up millions”. This brought the pot to $280 going to the flop. The flop came 22 of Diamonds99 of Hearts44 of Hearts. Tal bet $140 which DGAF called, bringing the pot to $560. The turn came the JJoker of Spades. Tal continued with his aggression and bet $300 on the turn. DGAF instantly raised the bet to $800 which Tal called. This brought the pot to $2,160.

The river brought the 22 of Hearts and Tal bet $1,500. After taking a little time DGAF raised to $4,200. At this point, Tal says, “It’s Crazy” leading us to believe that he had a very strong hand but the pairing on the river left him uncomfortable. He went into the tank for several minutes going over the hand in his head. It got to the point that Tal showed his hand to DGAF. The hand was then tabled and showed AAce of Hearts66 of Hearts for the nut flush on a paired board.

What is interesting here is the size of DGAF’s on the river. Including Tal’s river bet of $1,500 the pot was already $3,660 and DGAF only raised to $4,200, meaning Tal would have to call $2,700 to win a pot of $7,160. Even though Tal was getting a great price to call, he could not find any value raises that he beat. How could DGAF bet so little unless he wanted a call. After much thought, Tal folded. What did DGAF have? Watch this video:

Watch the rest of DGAF’s Live Poker Show.