Cooler On Hustler Casino Live has Luda Chris Wanting to Leave

Cooler On Hustler Casino Live has Luda Chris Wanting to Leave

Kings Vs Aces has Luda Chris Wanting to Leave During an Ante Game

Check out this hand from an ante Game stream on Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 11th April 2023. The hand was played between Luda Chris & Nick Vertucci with the blinds being $25/$50 with every player having a $25 ante in the pot.

The action began with Mars limping into the pot from the +2 with KKing of Diamonds66 of Spades, next to act was Luda Chris with a stack of $35,050 in the High-Jack who had been dealt the second best hand in poker, pocket Kings! KKing of SpadesKKing of Hearts. Luda raised to $500, and Nick responded with a 3-Bet to $1,700, leaving him with $35,225 behind. As luck would have it, Nick held Pocket Aces! Mars got the hell out of there with his trash, and the action was now back on Chris. Luda as expected wasted little time in putting out a 4-Bet to $5,100. How would Nick react with his pocket Rockets? Flatting it could be an option to undersell his hand and to try and trap post flop, However Nick did throw in an extra raise, and 5-betted it to $13,700.

Has he really got Pocket Aces?

Luda at this stage looked visibly worried, anticipating that he could be facing the dreaded cooler of Kings Vs Aces. It is however one of those situations if your opponent has aces what can you do. Luda as you would expect jammed all in, with Nick snap calling. “Do you have aces” asked Luda, there was no response from Vertucci, and you could sense some running tension between the two. “I should just go home” mumbled Luda. “Nice hand, Nick. I’m going home,” Luda exclaimed, and just like that, he leaped out of his seat, snatched a bottle of water, and commenced de-mic’ing. Luda did however hang around to see the hand play out.

The board ran out 33 of Clubs44 of HeartsJJoker of Diamonds1010 of Diamonds33 of Diamonds giving Vertucci the huge $70,350. Chris did continue to play, as he reached for more chips after then hand.

To see the hand and the drama play out, check out the video below.