Brown Balla Goes Crazy after Stacking Mariano on HCL

Brown Balla Goes Crazy after Stacking Mariano on HCL

Brown Balla Goes Crazy after Winning $80k pot Vs Mariano on Hustler Casino Live

Check out this hand from a Super High stakes stream on Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 18th August 2023 The hand was played between Brown Balla & Mariano with the blinds being $100/$200 with a $200 BB Ante.

the action began with Will Park, who limped into the pot from the +1 with55 of Spades55 of Spades. Next to act was Brown Balla on the button who had been dealt a Monster, pocket KingsKKing of SpadesKKing of Diamonds. Balla raised it up to $1,600 which left him a stack of $42,300. Mariano in the big blind, had woken up with a strong hand of his own, pocket Queens QQueen of SpadesQQueen of DiamondsMariano had the others more then covered, with a stack of $107,400.

Mariano put out the expected 3-bet, which was $6,600. This led to Will folding his fives, and Balla asking the question “how much?”. Balla, despite having a super deep stack, had no intention of soft playing his Kings. He threw in a 4-Bet to $16,600. Not wanting to take the hand to the flop Mariano jammed all in, to which Balla made the call. The pot stood at an incredible $88,900. Both players agreed to run it twice.

Why don’t you Take off your Shirt?

The first board ran out 88 of Hearts55 of HeartsJJoker of Clubs55 of DiamondsAAce of Diamondsguaranteeing Brown Balla half the pot. The second ran out came, 33 of Spades88 of Diamonds22 of DiamondsJJoker of Diamonds22 of Heartswhich clinched the entire pot for Balla. Will asked the question “why don’t you take off your shirt?”. Balla needed no further encouragement as he removed his shirt and waved it around jubilantly.

Check out the video below to see how the hand played out.