Unbelievable Run Of Bad Luck Continues For Santhosh

Unbelievable Run Of Bad Luck Continues For Santhosh

Sod’s Law As the Bad Luck Continues for Santhosh in WPT Super High Stakes

Commonly known as Sod’s law if it can go wrong it, it will go wrong. That is exactly how Santhosh’s night was going, and this hand from the Super High Stakes $300/$600 World Poker Tour (WPT) cash game Stream was the icing on the cake. It was live streamed on their YouTube and Twitch channels on December 16th 2023. The hand was played between Santhosh, Han & Sean.

The action began with Han ($137k) in the +1 raising it up to $2,000 with AAce of ClubsQQueen of Spades this was met by a 3-bet to $9,000 from Santhosh ($285k who had also been dealt Ace-Queen AAce of HeartsQQueen of Hearts. This got a fold, until Sean ($66k) in the small blind moved all-in with AAce of SpadesKKing of Clubs. The action was now on Han who not only met the call, but moved all in. This in turn was looked up by Santhosh and just like that There was over $350k in the middle. With the sidepot standing at $141,200 and the main $200,400 respectively.

Surely not? Four to a flush?

Despite the fact there was only two Queens left in the deck, that did not prevent a Queen from showing up on the flop 1010 of Clubs44 of ClubsQQueen of Diamonds. As things stood Santhosh and Han would be chopping the pot. Sean needed to hit either a King, a Jack, or running clubs.

The turn was the JJoker of Clubs which gave sean Broadway, however Han was still live to potentially scooping the pot should a club fall on the river. And that is exactly what did happened when the 66 of Clubs reared it’s head on the river giving Han the entire pot. The bad luck continued for Santhosh as he ended up losing both side and main pot’s.

Check out the video below to see how it played out.