Incredible Back & Forth Hand Between Wei & DK

Incredible Back & Forth Hand Between Wei & DK

Wei & DK Both Flop A Flush Draw on Maximum Pain Monday

Check out this hand from a Maximum Pain Monday stream on Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 18th December 2023. The hand was played between Wei & DK , with the blinds being $10/20/40 with a $20 BB Ante.

The action began with DK ($4,730) limping into the hand from UTG with AAce of SpadesJJoker of Spades. This was met by further limps from Nate Hill ($4,000) with KKing of Diamonds33 of Hearts, Crazy Drew ($2,950) with 88 of Diamonds77 of Spades & DGAF ($2,320) limped also with 99 of Hearts44 of Hearts. The action was now on Wei ($2,790) in the small blind who had been dealt KKing of SpadesQQueen of Spades. She pumped it up to $210. Next to act was DK the UTG limper. He now decided to play his hand aggressively and put out a 3-bet to $450. This aggressive move prompted the rest of the table to fold, with everyone except Wei relinquishing their hands. Undeterred, Wei opted to invest an additional $210 to see the flop. The pot currently stood at $1,000.

What an Action Packed Flop

The flop was an action packed one for sure KKing of Clubs99 of Spades66 of Spades it gave both players a spade flush draw with wei flopping top pair too. She checked it over to her opponent who put out a bet of $330. The call was met and the pot now stood at $1,660 going to the turn.

DK Took the lead on the turn when the AAce of Diamonds came out, just like before Wei checked it over. DK made a modest bet of $440, prompting a response in the form of a re-raise to $1,000. It’s worth noting she only had $1,020 behind at this point and was committed to the pot should her opponent show further aggression. DK opted for a mere call, and with this decision, the pot swelled to $3,660 as the action advanced towards the river.

Well if she wasn’t committed before she certainly was when the QQueen of Hearts landed on the river giving her two pair. “All in” was the play, DK perhaps could have gotten away from the hand, all semi bluffs got there, his opponent having missed spades was unlikely given the fact he had two himself. Nevertheless, he did possess a Jack, a factor that effectively blocked certain combinations in the deck. After some thought DK did make the correct lay down showing what he had folded, this was Met by Wei tabling her hand, acknowledging her gratitude that no spade came.

Check out the video below to see the hand play out.

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