Arden Cho Was In Gamble Mode Vs Britney

Arden Cho Was In Gamble Mode Vs Britney

Arden Cho Tangles with Britney in huge $42k Pot

Having called the flop with only backdoor outs, will Arden Cho fold to Britney’s turn Jam?. The hand occurred during a Thursday night’s High Stakes stream at Hustler Casino Live. It was live-streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on May 9th, 2024. The hand was played between Arden Cho & Britney, with the blinds being $50/$100/$100.

Britney ($29,720) got the action underway with a raise to $120 from the +1 with KKing of Hearts55 of Hearts After several folds, Jason ($9,790) called on the button with AAce of Clubs33 of Spades. Next to act in the small blind was Arden ($20,840), who had been dealt 1010 of Diamonds99 of Diamonds. She opted to play her hand aggressively and 3-betted it to $600. Both Britney and Patrick ($29,120), who was holding AAce of Diamonds77 of Diamonds in the third blind called. three players went to the flop, with $1,980 in the middle.

The flop 55 of Spades88 of HeartsKKing of Diamonds was incredibly kind to Britney giving her two pairs. Although she had missed, Arden continued her aggression with a lead-out bet of $1,100. Patrick folded his ace-high, and the action was now on Britney. With no intention to slow-play her two pair, she chucked out a raise to $3,500. Arden surprisingly made the call, and the pair went to the flop with $8,980 in play.

Arden Was not in the Folding Mood

The JJoker of Diamonds on the turn was as good as Arden Cho could have hoped for, she had now picked up some equity, drawing both to an up and down straight draw, and flush draw. Her play was now to check it over to her opponent, who jammed all in to protect her equity. Usually, this would be a spot where a player would fold due to being priced out, not Arden. She chose to gamble today, and made the call!

Both players agreed to run the hand just the once, unfortunately for Arden, there was no lucky river, allowing Britney to scoop the huge $42k pot.