Insane Flop in the Ante Game: Set over Set Vs Straight

Insane Flop in the Ante Game: Set over Set Vs Straight

The Ante Game Brings The Action: Set Over Set Vs Straight

Check out this insane hand that took part in the Ante game, played at Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 9th January 2024. The hand was played between Mike X, Mayhem & Luda Chris with the blinds being $25/$50 with every player paying a $25 ante into the pot.

The action began With Mayhem ($13,475) in the +2 raising it up to $400 with 33 of Hearts33 of Diamonds. This was met by a call from Nick Vertucci ($91,550) in the +3 who had a pocket pair of his own 99 of Diamonds99 of Clubs. Francisco ($42,100) in the +4 joined the action with KKing of HeartsQQueen of Hearts. There were two further cold calls, the first by Luda Chris ($77,175) in the high-jack who had been dealt 22 of Spades22 of Clubs. Followed by Mike X ($36,675) in the cut-off with 55 of Spades44 of Hearts. Going to the flop there was $2,100 in the middle.

What an Insane Flop: Set Over Set Vs Straight

The flop came down 22 of Hearts33 of Clubs66 of Spades giving Luda Chris a set of Deuces, Mayhem hit a set of his own with three’s. Mike x however had hit the stone cold nuts with a 6 high straight. Mayhem first to act checked it over to Nick. Who led out with a $1,000 feeler bet with his pair of nines. This was met by a raise of $5,000 by Luda with his set of Deuces. What a dream scenario for Mike X not only had he flopped the nuts, but there was significant action in front. He decided to just slow play, with the intention to keep his customers in the hand.

Last to act was Mayhem, who jammed the remainder of his stack all in for $13,075. Nick made a very easy laydown, the question now was how would Luda play his bottom set? by just calling is the answer. This was met by an “all in” from Mike which instantly had Luda shaking his head, fearing a bigger set or the straight. The price was just $23,225 for Chris to make the call, with the pot now standing at $65,550 he was getting 3-1 on his money. After some thought Luda did indeed call. Three players remained with the pot standing at $88,775. Luda was chasing a one out, whereas Mayhem needed the board to pair.

The Turn revealed the 77 of Diamonds making Mike a 75% to hold. Hold he did not though, when the 66 of Diamonds was turned over on the river which was met by a roar of appreciation from Mayhem. What an action packed flop, the beauty of the ante game.