Alan Keating Involved in Second Largest HCL Pot in History

Alan Keating Involved in Second Largest HCL Pot in History

Keating & Rahul Tangle in Second Largest HCL Pot In History

The second outing of Huslter Casino Live’s Million Dollar Game might not have outdone its predecessor in terms of largest pot. What was ample though, was a sublime amount of million-dollar Pots.

Let’s delve straight in and check out the second-largest pot in HCL history.

In the +1 Rahul ($1.331M) juiced up the action with a raise to $15,000 while holding 88 of Spades77 of Spades. Four players made the call creating a $77k pot going to the flop.

And what a flop 44 of SpadesJJoker of Spades88 of Hearts it was! Both Alan Keating ($1.18M) 1010 of Spades99 of Spades & Rahul had picked up a flush draw. Rahul who had flopped a pair of Eight’s, mathematically was behind Keating who had a straight draw to go with his superior flush draw.

Fourth to act after being checked to Rahul fired a sizeable bet of $40k. The rest of the table folded, except Keating, who made the call. Going to the Turn the pot had doubled in size, now standing tall at $157k.

Rahul’s Equity significantly changed after the AAce of Diamonds landed on the turn, making his Pair a 59% favorite. Just as before the action was checked over to Rahul. This time the bet was a lot meatier, $140k was the amount Keating was facing. Keating made the call.

Alan Keating Faces an $140k bet

Alan Keating Rivers Swimmingly

It might not have been the biggest action card, but the 77 of Hearts was enough to fuel this mouthwatering pot. Rahul had now rivered two pairs, after being checked to for a third time, will he attempt to get value from what he believes to be the best hand?

He certainly did, with a bet of $200k. After a few moments, Keating jammed “all in” putting Rahul all in for his remaining $951k. Rahul’s hand was good, but given the action, it was now only a bluff catcher.

Rahul looked puzzled and was unable to put his opponent on a hand. this can be a players downfall, and can lead to many incorrect calls. After around 5 minutes of tanking Rahul begrudgingly made the call, he looked almost physically sick once Keating turned over the Straight. The monstrous $2.437M pot went to Keating, Should Rahul have been able to find the fold? Later in the evening, Keating went on to discuss the hand with Host Veronica Brill.

Watch The Second Largest Pot In HCL History

Regardless of whether this remains the second largest pot in HCL history for quite some time, what will be remembered is the grimace and the heartache Rahul was faced with after Keating’s River Jam. You can check out the hand in the video below.

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