Action Dan Makes an Incredible River Call Vs King Henry

Action Dan Makes an Incredible River Call Vs King Henry

Action Dan Makes Insane Call On the River During High Stakes at HCL

Let’s take a look at this hand where Action Dan makes an incredible call on the river. No doubt Henry’s willingness to win a pot due to the standup game was in Dan’s mind when he made the insane call. The hand occurred during Friday night’s High Stakes stream at Hustler Casino Live. It was live-streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on April 5th, 2024. The hand was played between Action Dan & King Henry, with the blinds being $50/$100/$100.

The hand got underway after a $600 raise from Zeo ($71,800) in the high jack, who had been dealt JJoker of Clubs1010 of Hearts. Next, to act on the button Henry ($52,500) made the call with KKing of Hearts1010 of Spades. This was followed by a call from Goof-ball ($41,600) in the Big Blind, who looked down at AAce of DiamondsJJoker of Diamonds.

Last to act was Dan, the under-the-gun straddler. Living up to his nickname “Action Dan” he chucked out a large 3-bet to $3,400. Zeo and Goofy mucked their hands, unwilling to be pushed around, and perhaps with the need to win a hand for the standup game that was going on, he made the rather loose call. Two players went to the flop, with the pot standing at $8,150.

After a flop of 33 of Hearts44 of Spades55 of Diamonds Dan led with a modest bet of $2,500, this was looked up by his opponent and the pair went to the turn with over $13k in the middle.

Dan Induces the Bluff by Slowing Down, But He’s Only Got Ace-High

Dan slowed down after a Turn of 99 of Clubs and checked it over to his Opponent. Having floated the flop, Henry tried to seize his moment and bet out $6,600. Believing his hand to potentially be good, Dan made the call. Going to the River there was $26,350 in play and the best hand thus far was Ace-high!

Just like the previous Street, Dan had slowed right down and checked it over. Knowing his King-Ten high was very unlikely to win at showdown, Henry fired out with a largebet of $19,600. this was a pretty polarising bet, Dan’s thinking was his opponent either had an absolute monster or was bluffing. After a lot of deliberation and mostly likely taking the standup game into account, Dan made the heroic call, and what a call it was.

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