Aces Kings & Queens in GG Millions Paradise Game

Aces Kings & Queens in GG Millions Paradise Game

Fireworks in Paradise as Aces Kings & Queens tangle in the GG Millions Cash Game

Check out this hand from a $500/$1000 GG Millions Cash game stream that was held at WSOP Paradise at the Atlantis Paradise hotel in the Bahamas .It was live streamed on GG Poker’s YouTube channel on December 7th 2023. The hand was played between Gottlieb, Professor & Rob Yong.

The action began with a straddle of $2,000 from Yong ($510k) who just so happened to have been dealt a monster, Pocket Kings KKing of SpadesKKing of Diamonds. Although the graphics had not picked up his hand yet, Professor ($52k) raised it up to $7,000 with the ladies QQueen of HeartsQQueen of Clubs. This was met by a 3-bet from Gottlieb ($207k) who had been dealt the rockets AAce of HeartsAAce of Clubs. That’s right Aces King’s & Queens had been dealt, there was no doubt going to be fireworks in Paradise.

The action was now on Yong who threw out a 4-bet to $100k, this was met by a 5-bet all in by Gottlieb. Professor called for the remainder of his stack, and Rob Yong made the call too. The main pot stood $301k, with the side at $172k.

The flop came down AAce of SpadesJJoker of Spades33 of Diamonds Gottlieb had flopped a set of Aces having his opponents all but drawing dead. Yong’s Kings had a small glimmer of hope with a backdoor spade flush draw. That was short lived however, when the 22 of Hearts on the turn sealed the $301k pot in Gottlieb’s favor. What made this hand even more incredible is ,it was right at the start of the stream.

Check out the video below to see how the hand played out.