$3.1 Million The Largest Poker Pot Ever Televised

$3.1 Million The Largest Poker Pot Ever Televised

$3.1 Million Pot On Hustler Casino Live, The Million Dollar Game

In this history-making hand, Tom Dwan made a hero call against Wesley Flan who shoved all-in on a bluff. It resulted in the largest pot ever televised. It all happened in The Million Dollar Cash Game on Hustler Casino Live.


At this stage in the game, the spread was $500/$1,000 + a $3k BB Ante. The action limped to the High-Jack who raised to $7k. The Cut-Off folded and the action was with Wesley on The Button at which point Doug announced that he saw Wesley’s cards. Nevertheless, before a verdict could be reached, Wesley 3-bet $30k with A♦️K♥️ and $2.8 million in his stack. Next up was Doug in the Small Blind, who decided to fold after a short moral battle with himself. The Big Blind folded as well and then it was Tom Dwan UTG to act. With Q♠️Q♣️ (which he only revealed after the river) and $1.5 million in his stack, Tom 4-bet to $100k. The High-Jack folded and it was heads-up between Wesley and Tom. Wesley decided to make a 5-bet of $275k which Tom, not without hesitation, called, and they went to the flop with the pot at $562k. 


The flop revealed 3♦️8♠️8♦️ and from the start Tom was in front with his overpair. While Wesley was still behind with Ace-King High .

Tom checked it back to Wesley who decided to put in another bet of $125k. After some deliberation Dwan called and they went to the turn with there being over $800k in the Middle.

5♥️ was the turn card, and once again Dwan checked it back to Wesley who made another bet. This time of $350k, continuing to represent a big hand. After a short tanking period, he made the call. They went to the river with the pot at $1,5 million. 

The 6♣️ was the river card, once again Dwan checked it back to Wesley who completed the triple barrel bluff bet when he went all-in for Tom’s remaining stack of $786k. This is when an agonizing period of tanking was displayed by Tom Dwan who even left the table to get a water. Wesley could do nothing but put his head down on the table and not look up until Tom made his decision. After almost five full minutes and some chatter between Tom and himself, he made the call, totaling the pot at $3.1 million. The biggest pot in televised poker history. Congratulations Tom Dwan!

To see the full action of the hand and how it was analyzed in real-time, see the video below on our YouTube channel.

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