Event 12: 2005 Legends of Poker $200 + 30 No Limit Hold’em Shootout

Jorge Pineda 2005 Legends of Poker $200 + 30 No Limit Hold'em Shootout Event 12 Winner


Event Event 12
Buy In $230
Players Paid 35


1st Jorge PinedaJorge Pineda $25,475
2nd Perry ChouPerry Chou $12,775
3rd Dave Manley Jr.Dave Manley Jr. $6,300
4th Brian AshkanBrian Ashkan $4,200
5th Jim MansfieldJim Mansfield $3,150
6th Peter NadeauPeter Nadeau $2,450
7th Brian AndersonBrian Anderson $1,750
8th Mike LeBlancMike LeBlanc $1,400
9th Jason PenaJason Pena $1,050
10th Hoang TaHoang Ta $875
11th Harvey HunnicuttHarvey Hunnicutt $875
12th Charles LipshinCharles Lipshin $875
13th Erwin MazareigosErwin Mazareigos $700
14th Warren KarpWarren Karp $700
15th Servando ValenzuelaServando Valenzuela $700
16th David LamDavid Lam $575
17th Gabriel RoblesGabriel Robles $575
18th Paul JuazierPaul Juazier $575
19th Tammy YuTammy Yu $350
20th Jason MershonJason Mershon $350
21st Chris RobesChris Robes $350
22nd Raffi SoualianRaffi Soualian $350
23rd C.J. FitzgeraldC.J. Fitzgerald $350
24th Phally VinPhally Vin $350
25th Steve DaoSteve Dao $350
26th Ba TranBa Tran $350
27th Ken TierneyKen Tierney $350
28th David JeromeDavid Jerome $250
29th Gary KlienscolaGary Klienscola $250
30th Paul VinciPaul Vinci $250
31st Hoan LyHoan Ly $250
32nd Christopher TaylorChristopher Taylor $250
33rd Paul MiarashilianPaul Miarashilian $250
34th Ken DavisKen Davis $250
35th Dani PouratDani Pourat $250