Will The Accountant Take a hit Vs Shawn at BLP?

Will The Accountant Take a hit Vs Shawn at BLP?

 Let’s look at the largest pot of the night from a recent pot limit Omaha stream at Bally Live Poker. The action was live-streamed on Bally Live Poker’s YouTube channel. With the blinds at $10/$20.

From the High-Jack “The Accountant” ($5,990) got things underway with a raise to $140 with A of SpadesKKing of SpadesKKing of Clubs44 of Diamonds. Both Shai (BB) ($20,920) AAce of Clubs1010 of Hearts77 of Clubs44 of Hearts & Shawn ($8,790) JJoker of Spades1010 of Clubs99 of Clubs33 of Diamonds called creating a pot of $430 going to the flop.

When Your Ahead But Behind

Shawn had flopped top two after a flop of 44 of SpadesJJoker of Hearts1010 of Spades, although mathematically “The Accountant” was ahead. He had the pair of kings, a gut shot, the nut flush draw, and his pair of fours could play. Shai had also flopped two pairs, middle, and bottom. Multi-way in Omaha his hand holds little strength.

Second to act Shawn bet out Pot, which was immediately met with hostility by “The Accountant” who raised it to $1,640. shai chucked his cards into the muck and it was now over to Shawn to decide how to play his mediocre Two Pair. Folding would not be a bad option, as he had no redraws if his two-pair was crushed. As it was he fully committed to the hand raising it Pot. His opponent got the rest of his stack in the middle. Both players agreed to run the $12,410 pot once.

On the Turn 22 of Hearts was a brick and now both players were even Stevens to win the pot. It all comes down to the River which was… the 99 of Hearts! Shawn’s flopped two pairs had managed to hold.

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