What an Action Packed Turn: Sean Dempsey Vs Santhosh

What an Action Packed Turn: Sean Dempsey Vs Santhosh

Insane Turn Card: Sean Dempsey Vs Santhosh: WPT Super High Stakes Cash Stream

What a incredible turn in this hand from the Super High Stakes $300/$600 World Poker Tour (WPT) cash game Stream. It was live streamed on their YouTube and Twitch channels on December 16th 2023. The hand was played between Santhosh Suvarna & Sean Dempsey.

The action began with Sean ($112k) raising it up to $1,500 from UTG with 88 of Hearts66 of Hearts. Andrew Robl ($1M) in the High-Jack made the call with AAce of SpadesJJoker of Diamonds. On the button was Santhosh ($106k) who had been having a horrid session. He put out a 3-bet to $7,000 with 44 of Clubs44 of Spades. Sean made the call, with Robl making an unexpected fold considering the price he was getting. Two players to the flop with $17,000 in the middle.

The flop came down AAce of Clubs55 of Clubs77 of Diamonds a good board for Santhosh to be betting with an ace out there, with him having the pre flop initiative. Dempsey however had picked up an up and down straight draw and was going nowhere vs the $3,000 Continuation bet. The pot now stood at $35,000 going to turn.

Surely not a Four on the Turn?

For those who had been watching the stream they could just sense the turn would bring a four this would give Dempsey a straight, but more spectacularly it would give Santhosh a set of Fours’. It’s worth noting Sean had been playing incredibly tight up until this point. So when the 44 of Hearts did indeed land on the board, Eight-Six in his opponent’s holdings was no doubt, never a consideration from Santhosh. Once again the action was checked over to Sean, who was met with a $26,000 bet from his opponent. “All in” was the play from Dempsey, which was snapped off by Santhosh. There was no reaction from Survana when the hands were revealed. Both of the players elected to run it twice. The pot stood at an incredible $226,800.

The first river revealed the 55 of Spades pairing the board which guaranteed Santhosh half of the pot with a Fullhouse.

The second river was the 33 of Hearts giving both players half of the pot.

To see how the hand played out, check out the video below.