What a Time for Karen as Crazy Drew Jams All In

What a Time for Karen as Crazy Drew Jams All In

Crazy Drew Jams All In: His Timing could not have been Worse

Check out this hand from a Maximum Pain Monday stream at Hustler Casino Live where Crazy Drew’s timing was more then a little off. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on 12th February 2024. The hand was played between Karen & Crazy Drew with the blinds being $10/20/40 with a $20 BB Ante.

The action began with Shrimp ($3,450) who raised it up to $200 from UTG with 88 of Hearts66 of Diamonds. The raise was met by a 3-bet to $500 from Crazy Drew ($2,550) who had been dealt pocket sevens 77 of Hearts77 of Diamonds. In the small blind was Karen ($2,200) who liked what she had been dealt QQueen of ClubsJJoker of Clubs and made the call. Shrimp last to act put in a further $300 and to the flop they went three handed. The pot stood at $1,540.

The flop came down 88 of Clubs33 of Clubs99 of Clubs giving Karen a flopped flush, Shrimp had flopped middle pair and Drew’s seven’s no longer looked so good. After debating about betting Karen checked it over to Shrimp who fired with a bet of $400. This was near instantly met with an “All in” by Drew. After a little Hollywooding Karen moved “All in” leaving to Shrimp laying down his middle pair.

Check out the video below to see Crazy Drew’s misstep.