Wesley Takes Nick Out On Hustler Casino Live

Wesley Takes Nick Out On Hustler Casino Live

During a $10/$20/$40 game on Hustler Casino Live, we saw some Heads-Up action between Wesley and Nick L in a big pot. Wesley in the High-Jack looked down at 9♣️7♣️ with $19,130 in his stack and decided to open raise to $200. The raise was called by Israeli-Ron as well as Nick Vertucci however when the action arrived at Nick L, he made a 3-bet of $1,500 with A♣️ Q♦️and $13,720 in his stack. Wesley called the outstanding $1,300 while Israeli Ron and Nick Vertucci folded, leaving the pot at $3,450 going to the flop.

The board came down Q♣️10♣️8♦️, making top pair for Nick L. This also gave Wesley am open-ended straight draw. Feeling confident in his top-pair, top-kicker hand Nick L bet $2,000 which sent the action over to Wesley. Wesley with his open-ended straight draw, who raised to $12,260. With Nick being the effective stack this would put him all-in.

Nick hesitantly made the call, sending the pot up to $27,970. The turn didn’t do much besides give Wesley a pair of nines but the river completed his straight with 6♦️. 

To see the full action of the hand and how it was analyzed in real-time, see the video below.