Tony G vs Stanley For $813k – The Million Dollar Game

Tony G vs Stanley For $813k – The Million Dollar Game

Tony G showed us some mastery-level skills in this hand from the Hustler Casino Live Million Dollar Game, all while looking super chill.

The spreads were at $500/$1k + $2k BB Ante.

Tony G with $965k in front of him open-raised the pot to $3k with 5♦️4♦️, Stanley was up next in the High-Jack with $934k. He made a 3-bet of $10k after peeling back 6♣️4♣️. There were folds from the Cut-Off to the Small Blind. The Big Blind and Tony G both called, making it three ways to the flop.

Tony hit the nuts when the board flopped 2♥️3♥️A♠️, Stanley had a gut-shot for the six-high straight vs Tony’s five-high. The BB checked and sneakily, so did Tony G. Stanley then threw in another bet of $10k and forced the BB into a fold. Tony G, continuing with the slow-play, just called. 

The board turned the Q♥️ and Tony checked it to Stanley who continued to fire, this time with an overbet of $55k. Tony, still with the nuts, called and they went to the river with the pot at $163k. 

After the K♦️ on the river potentially changed the nuts, Tony went with the slow-play again and it worked in his favor when Stanley made a $150k bet. Still a tough choice to make as he potentially loses to J10 although unlikely, Tony raised to $500k. This resulted in a fold from Stanley and an $813k pot goes the way of Tony G.
To see the full action of the hand and how it was analyzed in real-time, see the video below on our YouTube channel.