There’s no Escaping this Cooler For Fadi

There’s no Escaping this Cooler For Fadi

What a Cooler For Fadi Vs Ronnie at Hustler Casino Live

Sometimes in Poker, you have to hold your hands up and just accept the deck has hit you stone-cold hard in the face. This was one of those hands. The hand took part at Hustler Casino Live with the action live-streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 13th of March 2024. The hand was played between Fadi & Ronnie Ebanks With the blinds being $25/$50 + a $50 BB Ante.

In the high-jack Ronnie ($14,500) got the ball rolling by raising it up to $400 with the ladies QQueen of HeartsQQueen of Clubs. After several folds, Zeo ($17,925) made the call in the small blind holding AAce of Hearts1010 of Hearts. Last but no means least to act was Fadi ($19,525 )in the big blind, who had been dealt pocket Jacks JJoker of SpadesJJoker of Diamonds. Surprisingly he played it cautiously and just flatted pre flop. Three players to the flop with $1,350 in the middle.

Wow! What a Cooler of a Flop

Wow! What a cooler of a flop QQueen of DiamondsJJoker of Clubs22 of Clubs both Ronnie and Fadi had flopped a set. The action was checked over to Ronnie who put out a bet of $600. Zeo folded and it was now on Fadi to decide how to play his set of Jack’s. His response was to min raise it to $1,200 a play that usually screams of strength. Ronnie responded with a 3-bet to $3,000 which his opponent matched. To the turn they went with $7,350 in the pot.

The turn was as safe as they come 22 of Diamonds both players now had a full house and did not need to fear the potential flush draw. Ronnie’s bet of $3,000 was instantly met with a call.

After a 55 of Diamonds on the river, Fadi’s fate was sealed, “All In” was the play by Ronnie. What an absolute cooler for Fadi, who threw his cards away in disgust after seeing his opponent’s hand revealed. Acknowledging just how brutal it was Ronnie went on to say “I’m Sorry for that, that’s not even fair”.

Check out the video below to see the action and the rest of the stream.

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