Alex “British Bulldog” Spencer shows Aggression at The Lodge

Alex “British Bulldog” Spencer shows Aggression at The Lodge

Alex Spencer Shows Strong Aggression Vs Bill Perkins at Poker At The Lodge

Let’s take a look at a hand that was played between Alex Spencer & Bill Perkins during a Super High stakes game at Poker At The Lodge. Spencer was not afraid to bluff big on the river. It was Live streamed on January 13th 2024 on Poker At the Lodge’s YouTube channel. The blinds were $200/$400/$400.

the action began with Alex ($244,200) raising it up to $3,000 from the cut-off with JJoker of Spades1010 of Spades. This was called by Brown Balla ($217,400) on the button who had been dealt AAce of Spades66 of Diamonds. Waiting in the small blind was Perkins ($236,000) who opted to play his KKing of DiamondsQQueen of Hearts aggressively, 3-betting it to $20,000. The big blind folded and the action was now back on Spencer who put out a further $17,000 to see the flop. Brown Balla folded his ace rag and to the flop they went heads-up with $43,800 in the middle.

Perkins flops Top Pair

The flop came down 99 of Clubs44 of DiamondsKKing of Clubs giving Bill top pair, mean while Alex had a gutter ball. first to act Perkins fired out a modest bet of $10,000 which was looked up by his opponent. Going to the turn the pot stood at $63,800.

A third club landed when the 77 of Clubs was turned over, Alex had now picked up a double gutter. Once again Perkins lead out this time with a bet that had more weight behind it. The asking price was $30,000. In position Alex made the call and the pot was now way at a staggering $123,800 going to the river.

On the river was another club 44 of Clubs this is where position can be so crucial in poker. Bill showed signs of weakness when he checked it over to his opponent. If he had a big club would he really check it over having been the pre flop aggressor and having bet every straight?. It’s very unlikely, Alex took full advantage off this and put the Entrepreneur to the test. the bet was a large one, an over bet of $176,000 was what Bill was now faced with. It did not take him much time to fold and Alex’s aggressive play took down the huge $123k Pot.

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