Ryan Feldman Reflects on the Unforgettable Million-Dollar Game

Ryan Feldman Reflects on the Unforgettable Million-Dollar Game

Ryan Feldman Reflects on the Unforgettable Million Dollar Game Week at Hustler Casino Live

Hustler Casino Live recently hosted its second “Million Dollar Game,” running for four consecutive nights which started on May 28th, 2024. The event was a resounding success, with Peter emerging as the biggest winner, amassing an astounding $5 million over the course of the four days. Despite the triumph, the event was not without its challenges, as highlighted by co-owner Ryan Feldman in a reflective tweet.

An Eventful Week Behind the Scenes

Ryan Feldman candidly shared his experiences from the week, noting the significant behind-the-scenes issues that arose daily. “I’ve never been more stressed. Every day, there were BTS issues. Nothing went smooth. I was so relieved when it was over,” Feldman admitted. However, that despite the stress, the week was memorable and well worth the effort.

Looking ahead, Feldman mentioned potential changes for future events, saying, Def will either do less days or take a break in between some of the days next year.”

Feldman also expressed his admiration for Tom Dwan and Doug Polk, key figures in poker. “Tom & Doug are some of my favorite people. Genuine, nice, cool ass people. I consider both of them true friends,” he stated. Addressing any rumors of discord, Feldman clarified, “Anyone who thinks there were ever any actual issues between us couldn’t be more wrong. It’s ok for friends to argue sometimes.”

Celebrating Poker Legends

Reflecting on the participation of poker legends, Feldman shared his continued amazement at having such prominent figures on their stage. “Even though I’ve been doing this for years now, it’s still pretty surreal. To have legends like Tom and Doug on our stage, to have the relationships I do with them, is still so damn cool,” he expressed.

Tom Dwan Was involved in a huge $1.1 million pot on Day 1 Of the Million Dollar Game.

Tom Dwan Being interview by Veronica Brill on Day 4
Tom dwan being interview by HCL Host Veronica Brill

A Tribute to Keating and Texas Mike

Feldman had high praise for Alan Keating, highlighting his significant contributions both on and off the screen. “Keating is so awesome in so many ways. I’m happy he finally booked some big wins on our show. I can’t say enough about how helpful he is BTS (Behind the scenes),” Feldman said. He eagerly anticipates future collaborations, including the upcoming Neymar game.

Texas Mike also received special recognition for his entertaining gameplay. Texas Mike is such a legend. The hands he played are just so entertaining. Shoutout to him for being such a superstar this week,” Feldman remarked, noting the memorable T2 bluff and expressing his sympathy for Mike’s bad luck in the big flips.

Remarkable Achievements and a Stellar Team

One of the most surreal aspects for Feldman was the scale of the pots played during the event. “It’s also so damn surreal to have $2M pots on our show,” he marveled, reflecting on the humble beginnings and growth of Hustler Casino Live.

Feldman did not forget to acknowledge the incredible efforts of the staff, whose dedication made the week possible. “Our staff was absolutely amazing and flawless this week in every facet,” he praised. He specifically mentioned Neve, David, Mike, Jenx, and his father for their outstanding work in the control room, as well as Nathan, Raver, Veronica, Nick Vertucci, Luis, Thida, Lauren, Magic, Sami, Tawni, Tuchman, Christian, Charlie, Washburn, Kiran, Aatmaj, and Brian for their contributions across various roles.

Feldman concluded his tweet with heartfelt gratitude: “Thx to everyone. Without you all, it’s not what it was.”

Looking Forward

The Million Dollar Game week at Hustler Casino Live was a monumental event, filled with high stakes, intense moments, and remarkable achievements. While the event posed significant challenges, the dedication and camaraderie of the team, along with the thrilling performances of poker legends, made it an unforgettable experience. With lessons learned and new strategies in mind, Feldman and his team look forward to even greater successes in the future.

Missed the Million Dollar Game? you can catch the action on Hustler Casino Lives YouTube Channel.

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