Double Trouble: Robbi Jade Lew Dominates with Pocket Kings Twice in Poker At The Lodge

Double Trouble: Robbi Jade Lew Dominates with Pocket Kings Twice in Poker At The Lodge

During a recent cash game with spreads of $200/$400 on Poker At The Lodge, we saw Robbi-Jade Lew being dealt pocket Kings on two separate occasions, and she made the most of them.

Robbi, on the button, was dealt K♥️ K♣️. There were checks from Taras in the Big Blind and KBM in the Small Blind, who held A♦️10♥️. KBM, with almost three times the stack, decided to 3-bet to $5,000 after Robbi’s open raise to $1,200. Taras folded, and Robbi called, making the pre-flop pot $10,800.

The flop came 2♥️ J♣️ 5♣️, and KBM placed a $3,000.

Robbi, with her overpair (Kings), raised the bet to $10,000. KBM called the outstanding $7,000, and the pot grew to over $30,000.

The turn brought the 2♦️, pairing the board. KBM checked over to Robbi, who decided to go all-in for $47,500. This pressure forced KBM to fold, and Robbi won the $78,300 pot.

Robbi running hot with Kings

The second time Robbi got dealt they ran it twice, can she scoop it all?

Robbi, in middle position, had a stack of $55,300 and was dealt two black Kings (K♠️ K♠️). She raised to $2,400, which led to folds until Doug Polk in the Small Blind decided to 3-bet to $10,400 with A♦️ 5♦️. Robbi called, and they went to the flop with a pot of $22,400.

The flop was 4♦️ 10♥️ K♦️, giving Robbi a set of Kings and Doug a nut flush draw. Doug bet $7,000, and Robbi raised to $18,000. In response, Doug went all-in for $386,300, and Robbi snap-called for her remaining $47,300.

The pot was elevated to $117,000, and they agreed to run it twice. The first run brought 2♠️ Q♦️, completing Doug’s nut flush. However, the second run didn’t help Doug, and Robbi’s set of Kings won the second run, resulting in a split pot.

To see the full action of the hands and how they were analyzed in real-time, see the video below.