Ray J Is Punished By the Poker Gods

Ray J Is Punished By the Poker Gods

Ray J Is Punished By The Gods for Folding During Maximum Pain Monday

Let’s take a look at this hand that involved music mogul Ray J. It is a clear example of the mistakes that can be made by those who have just learnt or are still learning the game. The hand was from a Maximum Pain Monday stream on Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 15th January 2024. The hand was played between Ray J, Randy Pitchford, Crazy Drew & Erika “Airika” Calabrese, with the blinds being $10/20/40 with a $20 BB Ante.

The action began with Crazy Drew ($1,500) raising it up to $60 from the cut-off with 1010 of Hearts77 of Hearts. This was met by a 3-bet of $200 from Erika ($5,260) on the button who had been dealt AAce of ClubsQQueen of Spades. In the small blind was Ray J ($790) who had taken a few hits from his starting stack of $2,500. He made an optimistic call with 77 of Spades66 of Diamonds. Randy ($1,350) in the big blind joined in with 88 of Clubs77 of Diamonds.

Ray J Was Getting 12-1 On his Money to Call

The action was now back on the initial raiser Drew who clearly liked what he had been dealt, as he chucked in a 4-bet to $600. Erika made the call, as did Ray. The pot now stood at $2,020 and that was enough for Randy to jam all in. Clearly wanting to gamble with the price he was getting. Crazy Drew just called, as did Erika. The action was now back on Ray J with there being $4,670 in the middle and $390 in front of him. This is where it is clear that Ray has only just learnt the game, with a price of 12-1 on his money and clearly priced in, he made an unsuspecting fold and boy did the fans in the HCL chat let it be known.

The Poker Gods Devilishly needle Ray-J

What a cruel flop for Ray J 44 of Diamonds88 of Spades55 of Hearts had he made the call he would have flopped the nuts with a seven high straight. Ray could not control his emotions and leapt out of his chair with head in hands. The hand was still live with Drew still having $150 in his stack, technically Ray should have received a warning for breaking protocol, in essence he had given vital information away. As it was in this particular instance it was not a big deal. Erika and Drew checked it down and the pot went to Calabrese when the AAce of Diamonds landed on the river.

R Jay's reaction to the flop
R Jay reacts to the cruel flop

Although he had lost the pot no doubt this was a good learning curve for Ray J. Check out the video below to see how the hand played out.