Rampage & Pennzoil Don Involved in Huge $275,100 Pot

Rampage & Pennzoil Don Involved in Huge $275,100 Pot

Rampage & Pennzoil Don Play Huge Pot: WPT $100/$200 Cash Game

Check out this hand from a $100/$200 World Poker Tour cash game Stream (WPT). It was live streamed on their YouTube and Twitch channels on December 9th 2023. The hand was played between Ethan “Rampage” Yau & Pennzoil Don.

The action began with a $400 UTG straddle from Alex ($97k) who had been dealt JJoker of Hearts66 of Spades. In the +2 was Pennzoil ($137k) who made the call with KKing of Hearts1010 of Spades this was followed by a call by Dan Smith ($43k) with JJoker of Diamonds55 of Diamonds. In the big was Rampage ($413k) who had been dealt the snowmen 88 of Diamonds88 of Clubs. He threw in a hefty raise to $2,500 which enticed Alex and Dan to fold. Don made the call and the players went heads up to the flop with the pot standing at $5,900.

What a Cold Flop for Pennzoil

The flop was an absolute cooler for Don KKing of Spades1010 of Clubs88 of Hearts giving him top two, rampage had flopped a set of Eight’s!. First to act Ethan led out with a bet of $4,000, this was met by a raise to $10,000 from Don. Rampage followed by putting out a 3-bet to $30,000. Don after some thought made the call. The Pot was now a staggering $65,900 going to the turn.

The turn was the 99 of Hearts making the board wetter with possible straights getting there. Queen-Jack being the more likely holdings. Once again Ethan came out leading, this time with a bet of $22,000. “All in” were the instant words to Ethan’s bet. This had Rampage considerably worried that perhaps his opponent had hit a straight, or had slow played a bigger set on the Flop. After a lot of thought Rampage knew that his hand was simply just to strong to make a fold in this spot against a known aggressive player. He received the good news when Don tabled his hand, both players agreed to run it twice. Neither board favored Don and Rampage scooped the huge $275,100 pot.

Check out the video below to watch how the hand unfolded.