Rampage & Brandon Involved in Insane $284k Pot

Rampage & Brandon Involved in Insane $284k Pot

How did this Pot Escalate to $284k Pot?

Let’s take a look at this $284k pot from a Super High Stakes stream at Hustler Casino Live. No doubt it was a hand Rampage would have been thinking about quite some time afterwards. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on January 12th 2024. The hand was played between Ethan “Rampage” Yau & Brandon Steven With the blinds being $100/$200/$400.

The action was folded all the way around to Brandon ($141,700) in the big Blind who had been dealt 44 of Diamonds22 of Diamonds. He opened the pot with a raise to $2,300 which was met by a 3-bet off $7,000 from Rampage ($228,000) who had been dealt AAce of HeartsJJoker of Diamonds as the UTG Straddler. The call was made and the two went heads up to the flop with the pot standing at $14,900.

On the flop was 99 of Diamonds1010 of DiamondsKKing of Spades giving Brandon a diamond flush draw, whilst Ethan had a gutshot for broadway. The action was checked over to Rampage who responded with a bet of $6,000. This was met by a call from Steven and to the turn they went with $26,900 in the middle.

The turn was a brick when the 66 of Hearts landed. Check, check was the play and to the river they went.

The Worst Possible River For Rampage

What a river QQueen of Diamonds, the one card that truly brought the action. Brandon had now made his flush, whilst the Queen of diamonds also gave Rampage broadway. This time first to act Brandon led out with a substantial bet of $23,000. “All in” was the play by Rampage with his nut straight. Although he was sat there with a super strong hand, given the large Jam this was no easy call. It was possible Ethan could have a higher flush.

It is worth noting that before making the call, Brandon did say “why did you not bet the turn”?. This for sure factored into his decision making. Should Rampage have just flatted? it’s easy to say in hindsight, if his opponent just had the Jack would he have folded? Probably not. However there were more combinations of flushes then his opponent having Jack-x. Either way what a huge pot for Brandon to scoop.

Check out the video below to see the hand for yourselves.