Poker After Dark Season One Episode One

Poker After Dark Season One Episode One

Poker After Dark Season One Episode One Hellmuth locking horns with Sheikhan

Poker After dark Season one Episode one: Poker Brat attack was first broadcast on NBC on January 1st 2007.

The first Episode Featured some very prominent names in the poker world. Some of which are still playing till this day. The show was hosted by Shana Hiatt with Commentary/voice over by Oliver “Ali” / “Chachi” Nejad (Ali Nejad)

Annie Duke, Gus Hansen, Phil Hellmuth, Huck Seed, Shawn Sheikhan, and Steve Zolotow were the 6 players battling it out in this 6 player winner takes all SNG to try and win $120k. Each player fronting $20k. The players sat with $20k in front of them, blinds began at $100/$200 giving them a total of 100 Big Blinds (BB) to begin with.

Tensions were running hot from the outset between Hellmuth & Sheikhan. During the first hand after Phil folded, Shawn asked Phil to show his hand.

Shawn imposing himself arm fully stretched reaching for Phil’s cards asked “what you got Philly, can I look”?

Phil firmly responds, “no you can’t look, That’s not my style son. You cant look at my cards ever. I’m not one of those guys”.

After the following hand a waitress asked Phil what he would like to eat. after he had given his order, Shawn jumps in. “Say please, he said please. He don’t mean to be a.. Can you say the word D-I-C-K on TV?” the rest of the table seemed uninterested by Shawn’s antic’s, Apart from Phil who responded. “Are you starting already Shawn?”

There was Banter early on with Annie playfully poking Fun at Gus for not playing a hand. “Gus have you played a hand yet?” Gus renowned for being a very loose player had the table laughing at his lack of play, after just 3 hands.

The Verbal Jousting continued awhile later between Hellmuth and Sheikhan

The table were discussing television networks and which one the show was going to be on. Shawn bellows out. “NBC is my home, I love NBC just for the record. Phil wades in “you have to say that, the way you play. you need the help to make sure you are invited back”. There were smiles all around and it was clear there was no malice intended.

Hellmuth Noted how tight the table was playing as he looked down at 10♥️8♣️ and elected to raise it to $900. As he no doubt predicted the table folded. Once again Shawn couldn’t help but get involved with Phil. “you laid $900 to win $300 your a beauty” Ignoring Shawn Phil went on to say. “This is so weird here, I’m the one raising with like the nothing’s, and he’s the one (pointing at Gus) who’s mucking the Ace”

Host Shana Hiatt after a commercial break brought to light the running words between Phil & Shawn. “Phil Hellmuth & Shawn Sheikhy are engaged in some verbal warfare, oh and by the way there is a poker game going on” Up until this point the war of words had been the highlight of the show with not many big hands being played.

three way to the Flop, who’s King will come out on top

The First real hand of the night came around 20 minutes into the show. Sheikhan Raised it to $600 with K♦️3♦️. Zolotow in the Small blind called an additional $500 holding K♠️J♦️. And Seed in the big blind called an extra $400 with K♥️Q♦️. Nejad in the booth noted how all 3 players had a King.

The flop produced 9♣️2♠️J♥️.

Seed first to act checked, as did Zolotow. Over to the preflop aggressor Sheikhan. Shawn reached for chips & fired $1200 into a $1800 pot. there was now $3k in the middle.

Zolotow wasting no time, quickly raised it up to $3300.

Seed breaking etiquette mumbled “I needed that free card but didn’t get it” Speaking about your holdings whilst the hand is live is against the rules of the game. In some circumstances can see the player being penalised.

Sheikhan needed no time to muck his King high. and Zolotow went on to scoop the biggest pot of the night thus far.

Hellmuth slowballs On the Button

The Second interesting hand of the night happens around 23:30. Blinds are now $150/$300.

Huck seed makes a tight fold with AJ off-suit from UTG+1

Hellmuth on the Button limps with J♣️7♣️. Sheikhan in the SB calls for a further $150 with 5♦️4♥️. Duke in the BB with the best hand A♥️8♥️ elects to see a free flop out of position. 3 ways to the flop with $900 in the middle.

The Flop comes down K♣️8♣️6♠️. Giving duke Middle pair top kicker. Hellmuth a Flush draw. Sheikhan had nothing but a gutshot.

Sheikhan first to act checks, Duke with her middle pair tests the waters with a feeler bet of $700. . Hellmuth made a quick call. The pot now stands at $1600. Hellmuth goes on to say “I’m sure she has me beat but let me call”. Over to the Sheik, after a little thought he lays down his gutshot draw. Two Players to the Turn.

The Turn broght the 2♦️ missing Phil’s Flush draw and keeping Duke ahead with her pair of 8’s.

Annie once again first to act leads out with a bet of $1200. Phil makes the call with $4700 in the middle we go to the river.

Just like the turn the river changes nothing. a non eventful 4♠️ proceeds to allow both players to check it back. Duke’s Middle pair is enough to scoop the nearly $5k pot.

Hellmuth Continues to Slowball Blind vs Blind

the table folded around to Hansen in the SB who looked down at Pocket 7’s (7♥️7♣️). He raised it to $900. Hellmuth in Position continues to play small ball poker. A♦️K♣️ only saw a call from Phil. Going to the flop there is $1800 in the middle.

7♦️4♥️9♦️ was the flop giving Hansen a set of seven’s. He continued his aggression and led out a half pot bet of $900. Phil instantly call’s with his two over cards, knowing against Gus his AK high could be good against the known aggressor. Although he didn’t know it, Phil needed running diamond’s to win.

The Turn produced the 8♣️ which was no help to either player, although it did make the board look wetter. Gus once again continues to lead into Phil, this time betting $2200 into a $3600 pot.

Arguably confused by Gus’ play Hellmuth goes into the tank giving serious consideration with just AK high. Hellmuth most likely annoyed with himself for slow playing the AK pre flop goes on to say “How brutal is this” Sheikhan Hellmuth’s verbal jousting partner throughout the show bursts out laughing. “what do you mean how brutal is this” Phil responds by saying “hey dude your not even in the same league as me. You can’t imagine what I have.” After then getting involved with Steve about the strength of his hand, Hellmuth begrudgingly let’s go off his cards.

Duke Hits the Breaks on the Flop

The last hand of the night saw Duke go heads up against Sheikhan.

Duke first to act raised it up to $900 with A♠️K♦️ (3 times the big blind). the rest of the table folds, until Sheikhan in the BB makes the call with 4♦️2♦️. With antes in play, the two players go to the flop with $1950 in the middle.

The flop saw the J♣️8♦️10♥️.

With nothing but a backdoor flush draw Sheikhan checks, Duke with two Over cards and a gutshot to the nuts surprisingly checks back.

The Turn produced another 10. The board now read J♣️8♦️10♥️10♣️.

Sensing weakness Sheikhan led out $1600. Duke went on to lay her cards down, no doubt regretting not betting the flop.

Check out Season 1 Episode 1 on Poker Go’s youtube channel.