Will T.

Will T.
Name Will T.
Streams on
Champions Poker Live

Will T. is a cash game poker player who has appeared on Champions Poker Live

Will T: Poker Journey on Champions Poker Live

Will debuted and encountered his biggest loss on June 8th, 2023, in CPL Episode 7. He participated in a $5/10 No Limit Hold ’em game with Drake Roetker, Trung Pham, Slippin Jimmy, and others. By the end of the session, he had lost $5,700.

His most recent participation on June 3rd, 2024, in CPL Episode 158 gave Will his best live cash. Participating in a $5/10/20 ($50) No Limit Hold ’em game against Lex O, DJ Schnoor, Max Lau, and others, he won a substantial $11,670.

Champions Poker Live Results

Stream #167 20 Jun 2024
Stream #158 03 Jun 2024
Stream #141 18 Apr 2024
Stream #109 26 Feb 2024
Stream #77 20 Dec 2023
Stream #64 29 Nov 2023
Stream #53 31 Oct 2023
Stream #44 11 Oct 2023
Net Profit
First Appearance
08 Jun 2023
Last Appearance
20 Jun 2024