Ng embarked on his poker journey on May 19th, 2023, in Cyprus, where he entered the $25k Pot Limit Omaha event. Despite his efforts, he failed to secure a cash prize. Continuing his pursuit, on May 22nd, 2023, still in Cyprus, he joined the $30k Pot Limit Omaha event, yet once again, he couldn’t clinch a cash prize.
His journey took him to London on August 4th, 2023, where he participated in the $25k Pot Limit Omaha event. Unfortunately, luck was not on his side, and he didn’t manage to cash in the tournament.
Undeterred, on November 2nd, 2023, in Monte Carlo, he tried his luck at the $30k Pot Limit Omaha Bounty event. Despite his best efforts, he couldn’t secure a cash prize.
His latest appearance in the Triton series was on November 3rd, 2023, still in Monte Carlo, where he entered the $50k Pot Limit Omaha event. Once again, he fell short of cashing in the tournament.