Dark Knight Poker

Dark Knight Poker
Nickname Dark Knight
Nationality American
Streams on

Dark Knight is an American tech entrepreneur and poker player from Los Angeles, California. He’s a recurring player in the high-stakes cash game show, Hustler Casino Live

Dark Knight Poker Journey on Hustler Casino Live

Dark Knight has made a total of 6 appearances on the show so far. His inaugural appearance occurred on Episode 406, which aired on March 28th, 2023. During this episode, he played alongside Francisco Fragoso, Dr. H, Big John, Mike X, and several others, ultimately accumulating $11,050.

Two weeks later, he returned for Episode 416, where he earned $1,225. However, in Episode 426, which aired on April 25th, 2022, he faced a significant setback, losing a substantial amount, totaling $73K. It was during this particular episode that HCL co-owner Nick Vertucci, who was also a player, had to intervene and remove him from the game. This was due to his excessive intoxication and disruptive behavior towards other players.

After learning from this experience, he made a comeback in Episode 461, which aired on June 13, 2023, resulting in earnings of $18,825. He returned once again a week later, Episode 466, but unfortunately incurred a loss of $20,250. His most recent appearance was in Episode 533, which aired on September 28th, 2023. Regrettably, he continued to experience a downward trend, losing an additional $42,340.

Hustler Casino Live Results

Stream #533 28 Sep 2023
Stream #466 20 Jun 2023
Stream #461 13 Jun 2023
Stream #426 25 Apr 2023
Stream #416 11 Apr 2023
Stream #406 28 Mar 2023
Net Profit
First Appearance
28 Mar 2023
Last Appearance
28 Sep 2023