Pistol Pete Is Gunning for a Wrap Draw: Poker At The Lodge

Pistol Pete Is Gunning for a Wrap Draw: Poker At The Lodge

Pistol Pete has a Massive Wrap Draw: PLO Cash Game Madness

Andrew Neeme alongside pot Limit Omaha returned to Poker At the Lodge last night. Let’s take a look at a hand that was played between Doug & Pistol Pete. It was Live streamed on December 29th 2023 at Poker At the Lodge’s YouTube channel. The blinds were $5/$5/$10.

the action began with MSK ($5,980) putting out a $75 straddle from UTG, he had been dealt AAce of HeartsJJoker of SpadesJJoker of Clubs44 of Hearts. BK ($3,155) in the small blind joined the action with KKing of ClubsQQueen of Hearts77 of Clubs66 of Spades this was followed by Pistol Pete ($5,170) meeting the straddle with JJoker of Diamonds99 of Diamonds77 of Hearts55 of Hearts. Doug ($9,185) in the third blind opted to play his hand aggressively raising it up to $250 with JJoker of Hearts1010 of Diamonds1010 of Clubs88 of Clubs. It was now on the UTG Limper to decide how to play his hand. He made the call, as did BK & Pete. Four players went to the flop with $1,120 in the middle.

Pistol Pete Picks up a Monster Wrap Draw

The flop came down 1010 of Hearts55 of Clubs88 of Spades giving Doug a set of Ten’s, mean while Pete had picked up a tasty wrap draw. Any six,seven,nine,Jack, or Queen would make him a straight. First to act BK checked it over to Pete, who put out a bet of $500. In Omaha slow playing is rarely an option, equities change so frequently street to street. Against a bet in front the best line for Doug to take is to play his set aggressively. That is exactly what he did, $2,000 was the raise amount. BK got the hell out of the way with his weak holdings.

Pistol Pete had an absolute Monster of a draw and decided it was worth getting the remainder of his stack in the middle. After all of the action the pot stood at $11,120. Both players agreed to run the hand twice.

Considering Pete was up against a Set he was still 47% to win the pot. It was bad news straight away however when the 88 of Diamonds was shown on the turn guaranteeing Doug halve of the pot. On the River was the 99 of Clubs completing Pete’s straight, it was no match for Doug’s Fullhouse of course.

The second board ran out KKing of Diamonds, 33 of Clubs once again there was no fortune for Pete.

To see how the hand played out check out the video below.